
Saturday, July 28, 2007

Time to Call It Treason

Many Americans are bewildered by President Bush’s refusal to secure America’s borders, enforce our laws regarding illegal entry and employment, and his willingness to provide lawbreakers blanket amnesty. However, they can find an explanation in a document that Human Events has called “a bureaucratic coup d’etat,” and CNN’s Lou Dobbs has termed “treason.”

Entitled the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), the agreement is the mechanism by which the Prime Minister of Canada, and the Presidents of Mexico and the United States are dissolving national sovereignty to create a new entity called the North American Union. The document has never been submitted to Congress.

Operating “below the radar,” this ambitious plan enjoys the support of multi-national business elites. It is being implemented through working groups and regulations promulgated by the Secretaries of State, Commerce and Homeland Security. Even the U. S. Department of Education is playing a role in the President’s globalist agenda.

At a summit meeting in Waco, Texas in 2005, President Bush, President Fox and Prime Minister Martin jointly called for

the creation by 2010 of a North American Community to enhance security, prosperity, and opportunity. We propose a community based on the principle affirmed in the March 2005 Joint Statement of the three leaders that ‘our security and prosperity are mutually dependent and complimentary.’ Its boundaries will be defined by a common external tariff and an outer security perimeter within which the movement of people, products, and capital will be legal, orderly and safe.

A Mexican government website has described the process as “a permanent, tri-lateral process to create a major integration of North America.”

Its model, obviously, is that of the European Union which started life as merely a Common Market, but now has a parliament, a judiciary, a common currency and a massive bureaucracy that oversees every aspect of European life. It is even preparing for a European President and Foreign Minister.

Given its massive incursion into the running of schools in the United States, one would think that the U. S. Department of Education would not have time to assist with plans to abrogate the Constitution and national sovereignty, but even they are facilitating the North American Union. The Department is offering discretionary grants under a program called North American Mobility in Higher Education. According to the Department’s website, funded projects are intended to:

  • Encourage cooperation and exchange among higher education institutions in the United States, Mexico, and Canada;
  • Increase the knowledge of the languages, cultures, and institutions of these three countries;
  • Increase the quality of human resources development in the three countries;
  • Explore ways to prepare students to work throughout North America; and
  • Augment student mobility, through mutual recognition and portability of credits and by developing joint curricula and degrees.

Perhaps no American has sounded the alarm more clearly as to what is afoot than the indefatigable Phyllis Schlafly, and her Eagle Forum has dedicated a website to the North American Union. Some Canadians have also begun to recognize what is at stake. Vive le Canada, a liberal Canadian advocacy organization states:

This plan goes by various names and euphemisms, such as "deep integration", "NAFTA-plus", "harmonization", the "Big Idea", the "Grand Bargain", and the "North American Security and Prosperity Initiative". Regardless of which name you prefer, the end goal of all of these plans is to create a new political and economic entity that would supercede the existing countries.

This summer the American people spoke clearly and thunderously that they want our borders secured, our laws enforced, and our national sovereignty, culture and institutions protected. Yet our President, with historically low poll numbers, has come to believe he is free from the restraints of public opinion because he has nothing left to lose. He persists in a plan to subvert what our founding fathers crafted in Philadelphia and what patriots have secured with blood down to the present day. It is time to call this process by its proper name – treason. It is also time for the Congress to end it.


  1. Old news...ain't gonna happen. Never heard the 2010 date before by the way.

  2. Anyone doubting that it WILL happen can go to the websites of the Departments of Commerce, State, and even Education, and in the search bar type in the phrase "North American." One will see that it IS happening. Anyone familiar with the issue will also know that the date 2010 is in the document initiating all the trilateral activity.
