
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Protestors and Clergy: "Stop Islamization of Europe"

It is encouraging to see the beginnings of resistance to the Islamization of Europe. While the Mayor of Brussels denied permits to the Islamic resistance network, Stop the Islamization of Europe (SIOE), for a rally to commemorate the atrocities of September 11, 2001, and to call attention to the growing threat to freedom and democracy posed by Europe's Muslim community, several hundred members of SIOE showed up anyway. They were met with more than a hundred police with dogs and water cannons. According to the Gates of Vienna website, approximately 30 protesters were arrested. The group plans to hold its next protest in Marseille on a date yet to be determined.

In a Mass also commemorating September 11, that was attended by Polish government officials, a prominent Polish bishop echoed earlier comments by several Vatican officials about the dangers posed by Europe's rapidly growing Muslim population. Bishop Tadeusz Ploski, head of the Polish military chaplaincy, called for a defense of Christian culture and warned against an emerging "Eurabia."

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