
Monday, October 15, 2007

The Counterjihad Calendar for 2008

The preeminent counterjihad website, Gates of Vienna, has produced a beautiful calendar "that displays solidarity with twelve countries that are resisting Islamization: France, Denmark, Germany, India, Sweden, Italy, United States, Greece, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Australia, and Spain."

Each month features counterjihad websites in the respective countries, and Sunlit Uplands is humbled and grateful to be included among the American websites featured in the month of July. You can see an enlarged copy of the image above by clicking on it.

You can buy The Counterjihad Calendar for 2008 at the Gates of Vienna
Café Press store, or go straight to the calendar page at this link. Your purchase will support the extraordinary work Gates of Vienna does to inform the world about every facet of the struggle between western civilization and Islam.

The purpose of the calendar is twofold:
1. To enhance a sense of community among the inhabitants of the countries of the West. We can show solidarity with one another even as we remain nationalists within our own countries. The West doesn’t require an artificial and corrupt empire like the EU or the UN to maintain its collective identity. There is something that binds us together, a common heritage that enables us to resist Islamization.

2. To facilitate a greater awareness of the struggle we are all facing and how it is approached in different countries, by listing counterjihad blogs and websites on the sidebar for each country. Sites outside of the Anglosphere often post at least some of their articles in English, and, if they don’t, machine translation is available to help.
With faith, solidarity, prayer and perseverance, the hateful totalitarianism and barbarism of the Islamists can be resisted and overcome. It is an epic struggle which is likely to consume the lifetime of all those living and these twelve nations and more, but one that must be waged and won. For as Churchill said of another world conflict between light and darkness, freedom and slavery, the goal must be:

Victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.

Many, many thanks to Gates of Vienna for this superb calendar and for their valiant work in the struggle.

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