
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Now the People Will Speak

Senator Lindsey "Hissy Fit" Graham has made it quite clear that he believes he knows better than the vast majority of South Carolinians. He defied the people of our state again and again to not only support policies most people in South Carolina find appalling, he has been the chief sponsor and cosponsor of legislation overwhelmingly repudiated by most Americans.
  • He brokered a deal to protect the right of Democrats to filibuster judicial nominations.
  • His concern for the "rights" of terrorists has caused him to block an up-or-down vote on Fourth Circuit nominee Jim Haynes.
  • "Graham uncovered classified memos in 2005 dealing with the use of extreme measures to get information from detainees at Gitmo. Graham made sure those memos were declassified and caused the entire controversy regarding supposed torture, a charge that Democrats have exploited to this day, despite all evidence to the contrary. Now we are faced with Terrorist detainees being transported to the US and having full access to US courts and law. Does anyone believe this will make America safer?"
  • Graham has worked to grant Islamic terrorists full Geneva Convention protection, even though such individuals are exempt from such protections.
  • Graham has supported amnesty and a "path to citizenship" for millions of foreign nationals who have illegally broken into our country, many of them with criminal records.
Graham has pledged that he will tell "the loud people" and "bigots" that oppose such policies to "shut up." But next year the voters of South Carolina will have a chance to respond to the liberal quisling intent on currying favor with Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton and John McCain. The 2008 Senate race will also be an opportunity to give South Carolina's superb, conservative U. S. Senator, Jim DeMint, a partner he can work with in the interest of the hard working taxpayers of South Carolina.

Next week Republican National Committeeman, Dr. Buddy Witherspoon, will announce his candidacy to ensure that Senator Hissy Fit is a one-term Senator.
Dr. Witherspoon will launch his campaign with a whirlwind tour of South Carolina this coming Tuesday and Wednesday. Unlike Graham, Buddy Witherspoon will support border security and will not offer any "path to citizenship" to aliens who are here illegally.

Please show up, listen to Buddy outline his conservative vision for our state and nation and show your support. Here is the schedule:

Tuesday, November 27th:

9:30 AM - Tommy Ham House, 214 Rutherford Street, Greenville, SC.
11:00 AM - The Beacon Drive-In, 225 John B. White Blvd., Spartanburg, SC.
1:30 PM - The Sunset Grill, 1213 Sunset Blvd., West Columbia, SC.
4:30 PM - Sticky Fingers, 7690 Northwoods Blvd., N. Charleston, SC.

Wednesday, November 28th:

10:00 AM - Horry Co. Govt. & Justice Center, 1301 2nd Ave., Conway, SC.
1:00 PM - Florence City/County Complex, 180 N. Irby St., Florence, SC.
4:15 PM - The Alley, Aiken, SC.

For more information, see Dr. Witherspoon's website:

If you have questions contact Dean Allen (864) 561-0758 or Dan Herren (864) 230-5334.

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