
Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Thirty Pieces of Silver Club

There has been reason to question the mental state of televangelist Pat Robertson for a long time.

There was an occasion when he suggested that it might be appropriate to blow up the State Department using a nuclear weapon:

I read your book. When you get through, you say (to yourself): 'If I could just get a nuclear device inside Foggy Bottom (the State Department's main building), I think that's the answer' and you say: 'We've got to blow that thing up.'
He has suggested that space aliens were actually demons in disguise, trying to lead people away from Jesus.

He has promoted an
age-defying milkshake.

In 1991 he put most Christian denominations and Jews on notice as to what would be in store for them under a Robertson administration with these endearing words:

You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense. I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist. I can love the people who hold false opinions but I don't have to be nice to them.
In 2006 Robertson stated that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine retribution for the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, which Robertson opposed.

He invited viewers to:

Call me old fashioned but I think non-believers should be manacled, publicly flayed, and set afire by the Council of Elders with the assistance of the town smithy.
Then there was the occasion when he invited 700 Club viewers to:

Guess how many quarters I can fit in my mouth. Go on, take a wild guess. 15! 15 quarters in my mouth. Now, a Jew would have just taken that money. A Catholic would have wasted it on candles or incense or an eighth child. But I shoved 'em all in there, cheek to cheek.
On Wednesday this "man of God" endorsed a pro-abortion, pro-partial birth abortion, pro-gay rights, anti-second amendment, big government, big tax and spending, cross dressing, twice divorced, drag queen who is estranged from his own children -- the most liberal Republican to ever seek the nomination of his party for the Presidency of the United States.

Given Robertson's penchant for calling on God to "smite" those who betray Him, it might not be a good idea to stand too close to Robertson in coming days.

1 comment:

  1. Ouch!

    Not exactly following Reagan's 11th Commandment here, but it's crunch time for SC GOP voters and I do understand.

    I wish you'd get your man Huckabee down to my neck of the woods. I've interviewed all the top tier but McCain and am going to have to make my mind up in the next few weeks on who to support.
