
Monday, November 26, 2007

"You Be the Somebody"

"The Bible says, 'do not move the ancient boundary stones put forth by your fathers.' I can't think of a more accurate picture of this country today than a nation that has 'moved the boundary stones' that were placed by our forefathers, and as a result we live now in a confused and convoluted country.

What I am asking is, 'you be the somebody, you do the something.' Let's make sure we don't lose this great land of ours because we were more interested in being on the stage than we were in being on our knees to salvage the great, great land, given by God, entrusted to us. And we have the responsibility to pass it on better than we found it. May God help us to do it, and may God bless you in doing it."

Mike Huckabee

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