
Friday, December 14, 2007


Little Rock, AR - Former Arkansas Governor and Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee has named Republican political strategist Ed Rollins as his National Campaign Chairman.

"I am proud to announce the addition of Ed Rollins as my National Campaign Chairman," said Huckabee. "Ed is an unparalleled strategist and is well-known as the man who directed the most successful Presidential campaign in the history of the United States. Ed's experience and track record of building winning coalitions within our party, bringing together social, economic and foreign-policy conservatives, and reaching across party lines, makes him a good fit for our campaign."

Rollins served as the National Campaign Director to Ronald Reagan in the 1984 presidential election in which Reagan won 49 states.

"I am honored to be joining Governor Huckabee's remarkable campaign," added Rollins. "I have always said that I want to work for candidates with convictions who can communicate those convictions. And Governor Huckabee is that candidate. He has the ability to change the political conversation in this country. Among the presidential contenders, he is also the one with the most executive experience. I look forward to working with the Governor over the coming year on the road to the White House."

Rollins served in the administrations of Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Reagan, including serving two tours of duty at the highest level of the White House as Assistant to the President and White House Political Director. His book, Bare Knuckles and Back Rooms, was the number one selling political book in America in 1996 and made the top of the New York Times and every other national best seller list. He is currently the Chairman of the Rollins Strategy Group, a communications and crisis management firm with offices in New York and Washington, D.C.

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