
Sunday, December 2, 2007

Huckabee: A Conservative with the Spark of Greatness

My admiration and enthusiasm for Mike Huckabee increases with every passing day. To have an authentic conservative, whose policies are the reflex of deep faith and prayer, and who articulates that vision with conviction, power and eloquence, is something America has not had in twenty years. His interview this morning on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos should give America great hope.

The political establishment, the transnational corporations, and those that gravitate to whomever looks like a winner, long ago lined up behind other candidates, but all the momentum is with Huckabee because he will fight for Main Street over Wall Street and the people before the power hungry. If you will only take time to watch one of these videos, please watch the third one -- but if you do watch all three, you will understand why so many see the spark of greatness in this man.


  1. you're proud of a guy who cuts meth dealers sentences and gives illegal alien kids tuition breaks while raising taxes on citizens and government spending across the board?

    that does not make sense.

  2. Obviously, anon, you heard the questions but failed to listen to the Governor's responses. As you probably well know, these distortions that have been taken out of context, without any concern for the truth, emanate from the Romney campaign. It's going to be awfully hard for Governor Romney to both convince America that he is a Christian while also slinging so much mud.
