
Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Mitt Romney: Making John Kerry Blush

Some Sunlit readers and fans of the Big Band era may recall a song with the following lyrics:

First you say you do, but then you don't;

Then you say you will, and then you won't;

You're undecided now, so what are you going to do?

That ought to be Governor Romney's theme song! The Great Prevaricator word-tricks even himself:
  • Supported a woman's "right to choose," but then said he "wasn't pro-choice."
  • Last month said he was "wrong" to be pro-choice, but more recently denied he ever was pro-choice.
  • Claims that since he never used the word "pro-choice," he didn't feel pro-choice, a word trick by which he apparently manipulates his own conscience sufficiently to let him claim he never was pro-choice.
To paraphrase a well-known Democrat who also used word games to evade telling the truth...

It must depend on what your definition of the word "choice" is.


Mitt Romney, Fox News Sunday, August 12, 2007:

"I never called myself pro-choice. I never allowed myself to use the word 'pro-choice,' because I didn't feel I was pro-choice. I would protect the law, I said, as it was, but I wasn't pro-choice.",2933,293017,00.html

Romney, Aug. 5, 2007:

"My greatest mistake was when I first ran for office being deeply opposed to abortion but saying I'd support the current law, which was pro-choice and effectively a pro-choice position. That was just wrong.",2933,293017,00.html

Romney, Aug. 6, 2007:

"I never said I was pro-choice, but my position was effectively pro-choice."

Romney May 2007:

"I was effectively pro-choice at that time."

Romney 2002 gubernatorial campaign interview:

"So when asked will I preserve and protect a woman's right to choose, I make an unequivocal answer: yes."

Romney 2002 gubernatorial debate:

"I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose, and have devoted and am dedicated to honoring my word in that regard. ...I'm not going to make any changes that would make it more difficult for a woman to make that choice herself. ...A woman should have the right to make her own choice as to whether or not to have an abortion...I have held that view consistently. ...I do not take the position of a pro-life candidate. I'm in favor of preserving and protecting a woman's right to choose."

Romney 1994 senatorial debate:

"I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country. ...I believe that since Roe v. Wade has been the law for 20 years, we should sustain and support it, and I sustain and support that law and the right of a woman to make that choice."


  1. If every voter in South Carolina watches these videos, Romney will be run out of the state on a rail.

  2. And if every voter in South Carolina watches this video, Mayor Rudy will be riding another rail right beside him.

    Can you imagine still shots of this being carried on oversize placards "on the Arab street" for the next four years?

    The strength or weakness of the image of the President of the United States has actual policy implications in some cultures around the world.
