
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"Most Pro-Life President In History" Skips March For Life Yet Again

President Bush Attending Meeting of the NAACP

How lucky we pro-lifers are to have a President who "cares" so much about advancing our cause. According to Presidential "faith" flunky Tim Goeglein, "George W. Bush is the most pro-life president in American history."

In an attempt to remind pro-lifers of his strong pro-lifeness, our pro-life President has decided to skip the annual March For Life in Washington D.C. for the seventh year in a row.

According to Robert Novak, our President will phone-in his support to the "participants," a practice established by pro-life champion Ronald Reagan, who could just never find the energy to make the five minute trip to address the marchers due to pressing concerns that helpfully popped up every year on the same exact date.

This President, who was voted for by less than 10 percent of black people in 2004, managed to make it in-person to the annual NAACP conference, yet does not seem able to go beyond a token phone call when it comes to thanking people who actually voted for him.

Perhaps the President would come if we put on hats and medals and said we were from the VFW?

He never seems to refuse an invitation from them, now does he?

I would hardly expect pro-life "convert" Mitt Romney to behave any better if he were somehow elected. Why waste time with those annoying pro-lifers when you could be starting fun wars in the middle east to help out our friends in Israel and the military industrial complex?

In the minds of neo-cons, wars and wasteful spending will always trump abortion on the priority list. The pro-lifers are counted on as useful suckers to help win elections, spurred on by phony promises that politicians like Bush just never seem to get around to addressing. Why should we expect any different from any of the power-hungry opportunists like Mitt Romney who are running to be his heir and won't dare to criticize him about anything?

Mike Huckabee attended the Arkansas March For Life every year when he was governor. When Mitt Romney was still trying to be more pro-abortion than Ted Kennedy, Mike Huckabee was standing up against it, as he has been doing his whole life.

Who would you rather trust?

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