
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Response to "Mike's America"

I am so offended and insulted by what Governor Huckabee wrote about President Bush that I cannot vote for him.

Unless I see a written retraction of the insults to President Bush in his Foreign Affairs article no amount of PR spin or positive stories will overcome that.

I had been looking forward to having the Governor visit down here in the Lowcountry and get a chance to meet him. But now, he can save me the trouble of attending his event. I wouldn't exactly be the person he would want to call on for a question.

December 17, 2007 10:23 AM

Blogger Daniel J. Cassidy said...

Quite right! How could anyone characterize this Administration as having a "bunker mentality"?

After all, the President has welcomed the whole world to illegally invade our country across our undefended borders, and has attempted to reward the law breakers with a "path to citizenship."

He has offered the UN total jurisdiction over all the oceans and everything in them, including "solid, liquid or gaseous mineral resources" along with taxing authority.

In the name of his "democracy crusade" he has brought about the election of Hamas and Hezbollah, while ending the political careers of friends in London, Warsaw, and Canberra, and destabilizing a friendly regime in Pakistan.

He has $20 billion in chump change for just about every problem that arises, foreign and domestic (except border security). He has bragged about spending more on education in his first two years than Bill Clinton spent in eight. Never mind that we still lag behind virtually every other industrialized nation on the face of the earth in math, reading and science.

Federal spending has increased more under "W" than under any President since LBJ.

We will be paying the "religion of peace" regimes about $100 a barrel for their oil.

He has negotiated the surrender of US sovereignty by executive fiat with Canada and Mexico.

He has strengthened the Euro and the Canadian dollar to historic highs. The Euro that was worth 83 cents when he took office is $1.47 today.

Bunker mentality? Hardly! Now please tell me, which of Governor Huckabee's opponents will be defending that record?


  1. Well said, sir. The fact that Gov. Huckabee criticized policies as being arrogant and the administration as having a bunker mentality seems to be lost on those who seem to believe that Republicans never make mistakes. I wholeheartedly believe in 'W' in terms of his values and principles but I'm not such a blind partisan that I cannot see the obvious mistakes in execution that have been made during the 'W' administration.

    I would respect more the candid, open, and honest criticism of a Huckabee than the pandering, disingenuous faux support of the rest of the GOP candidates. Like you said, which of Huckabee's opponents are ardently and vocally supporting the President's record?

  2. Mike Huckabee was regarded by fellow Republican governors as a compulsive tax increaser and spender. He increased the Arkansas tax burden by 47 percent, boosting the levies on gasoline and cigarettes. The Arkansas editorialized that Mike Huckabee raised more taxes in 10 years in office than Bill Clinton did in his 12 years.

    The Arkansas Ethics Commission held proceedings 20 times on the former governor. During his tenure, Huckabee accepted 314 gifts valued overall at more than $150,000, according to documents filed with the Arkansas secretary of state's office. (He accepted 187 gifts in his first three years as governor but was not required to report their value.)

    Two months after taking office, Huckabee stunned the state by saying he questioned rapist Wayne DuMond's guilt and that it was his intention to free the rapist, DuMond murdered a women in Illinois after Huckabee set him free

    Huckabee battled conservatives within his own party who were pushing for stricter state-level immigration measures, such as:.
    - proof of legal status when applying for state services that aren’t federally mandated
    - proof of citizenship when registering to vote
    - Huckabee failed in his effort to make children of illegal immigrants eligible for state-funded scholarships and in-state tuition to Arkansas colleges.
    In a1992 :U.S. Senate race, Huck advocated quarantining AIDS patients, and cutting AIDS research.
    he joined the Democratic chorus in indicting President Bush for his "arrogant bunker mentality." Is he in the right party? he joined the Democratic amen chorus in indicting President Bush for his "arrogant bunker mentality."
    Does Huckabee subscribe to his spiritual advisor Timothy LaHay’s views of the Rapture, United Nations, and a Palestinian state?” Huck’s use of the “Christian Leader” title and his attempt to denigrate Mitt Romney’s religion is a thinly-veiled attempt to impose a religious test in violation of Article Six of the Constitution
    Mike fails on so many levels as a true conservative.


    The Huckster was the keynote speaker at an anti-Mormon conference in Salt Lake City. And he knows nothing about Mormons? And the "Christian Leader" doesn't want to release his sermons?

    The moniker "Huckster" is well-earned.

  3. If you want to vote for a Republican who consistently spouts Democrat talking points be my guest.

    But don't call yourself a Republican and certainly don't call yourself a conservative.

    President Bush has done extraordinary and visonary work, in the mold of Ronald Reagan, to keep America safe and give us direction towards a better future.

    And like Reagan, he has been opposed by unprincipaled people whose primary objective was to snatch political power for themselves.

    You have confirmed that this is Huckabee's motivation.

    Huckabee is wrong on immigration, wrong on taxes, wrong on foreign policy.

    He's just plain WRONG!

    When it comes to Huckabee... Just say no!

  4. Every issue I addressed has been raised by Pat Buchanan, Phyllis Schlafly, Paul Weyrich,Peggy Noonan and The Heritage Foundation. These are the kinds of people I look to on policy issues. I don't think their harshest critics would question their conservative and Republican credentials. It is the President who masqueraded as a conservative and betrayed the movement, not his conservative critics.

  5. One additional thought -- anyone who has any doubts about where real Reaganite conservatives stand with regard to the Bush 43 Administration should read this column by President Reagan's speech writer. She sums things up very well for many of us:
