
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Duncan Hunter Endorses Mike Huckabee

While Congressman Duncan Hunter faced a formidable task in running for the Presidency due to the fact that he has not held statewide office, he is probably the most principled and qualified conservative to have run for President this year. Let us hope that our next President uses, at the highest level, his considerable knowledge of military and foreign affairs. Given his commitment to securing our borders, ensuring a level playing field for American industry, rebuilding the "arsenal of democracy," and his Reaganesque vision of an America that is strong and free, it is not surprising that he has endorsed Governor Mike Huckabee for the Presidency of the United States. CNN's report follows:

WASHINGTON (CNN) — California Rep. Duncan Hunter, a former presidential candidate, announced Wednesday he is endorsing Mike Huckabee's White House bid.

“I got to know Governor Huckabee well on the campaign trail,” Hunter said in a statement. “Of the remaining candidates I feel that he is strongly committed to strengthening national defense, constructing the border fence and meeting the challenge of China’s emergence as a military superpower that is taking large portions of America’s industrial base.

"Along with these issues of national security, border enforcement and protecting the U.S. industrial base, I see another quality of Mike Huckabee’s candidacy that compels my endorsement," he added. "Mike Huckabee is a man of outstanding character and integrity. I saw that character over the last year of campaigning and was greatly impressed. The other Republican candidates have many strengths and I wish them all well."


  1. Hunter qualifies his endorsement with the phrase "of the remaining candidates..." It would seem that if Thompson had been able to remain in the race, perhaps Hunter's support would have gone there?

  2. Nice quote from Churchill. Does that include censorship of blog posts?
