
Friday, January 11, 2008


After nearly sixteen years of historically bad, if not treasonous, Presidential leadership, the Republican candidates for President are agreed on one thing, Americans long for the noble, valiant leadership of Ronald Reagan and his buoyant vision of the "shining city upon a hill."

We may have been betrayed by greedy multinationalists, and national leaders who have done their bidding by refusing to protect American sovereignty, borders, industries, jobs and families, but based on the campaign rhetoric, the politicians who aspire to the Presidency know that America well remembers what greatness walked among us. Let us never forget, and may we find it once again!

Were a star quenched on high,
For ages would its light,
Still travelling downward from the sky,
Shine on our mortal sight.

So, when a great man dies,
For years beyond our ken,
The light he leaves behind him lies
Upon the paths of men.

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