
Monday, February 25, 2008

British Parliament To Investigate Catholic Influence in Catholic Schools

This blog has frequently lamented the growing secularization of Europe and its suicidal refusal to even acknowledge the Christian foundations on which Western civilization flourished. But with this story in The Independent about a British Parliamentary investigation into Catholic influence in Catholic schools, one must wonder if outright persecution is at hand.

According to The Independent, "Members of the Children, Schools and Families Committee plan to call senior bishops to give evidence in an inquiry into the approach schools are adopting towards a range of issues – including abortion, sex education and PSHE (personal and social health education) classes." Let's hope that with that "Catholic influence," those students are preparing for the world in which they may have to live, and are learning about the English Martyrs and the Tyburn Tree.

Has anyone heard about a Parliamentary investigation into Muslim influence in Britain's Islamic schools?

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