
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bush Declares McCain "A True Conservative"

I don't know about you, but I am so reassured now that President Bush has declared John McCain "a true conservative." How could we have misjudged the man?

What a relief to know that we won't have to worry about massive new entitlement programs, a doubling of federal education spending, domestic snooping, unbridled government growth, runaway federal budgets, ballooning deficits, devalued currency, and Wilsonian foreign policy that would have Uncle Sam playing policeman, banker and Santa Claus to the entire world.


  1. Your post is the sort of post that gives blogging a bad name. What exactly is your point? Do you have any idea how much overkill your idea has gotten? Yours is likely the one millionth such blog post criticizing and assassinating McCain. What is the point already?

    Do you have one? Do you really think what you have presented is balanced and unbiased and a fair representation of reality? What do you hope to accomplish?

    I wrote about folks like you...

  2. Mike --

    I think the following provides a rather good and thoughtful response to your questions:

    Having spent so many years as "a maverick" opposing POW-MIA families, fiscal conservatives and social conservatives, do you really think Senator McCain has earned our unquestioning support?

    I do not want to see the Republican Party and the conservative movement subverted by someone who has shown them so little regard. As major conservative commentators have said, far better that the Democrats receive the blame for liberal policies than to make those policies the platform and record of the Republican Party. President Bush has already done quite a bit of damage to our party in this regard. As Peggy Noonan has pointed out, President Bush has destroyed the Reagan coalition. Senator McCain is a seriously flawed candidate who will only exacerbate the damage done by this administration. I expect this year, like 2006, to be disastrous for Republicans, but also a necessary purgation that will lead to a stronger party built on solid conservative principles.
