
Friday, February 1, 2008


Dear Sean, Rush, Mark, Roger, Laura, and the rest of the "Conservative" talk show hosts,

You've taught me well, above all else to think for myself. A true "ditto head", I am actually able to form my own truly conservative thoughts, based on what I understand as the most important issues that seperate a REAL Conservative from "wanna be's" and fakes.

Conservative values as I have heard from you all, never change, and this is sound reasoning. True conservatism means that you believe and actually act on your beliefs. True Conservatives are consistent on the following principles. Those start with the Christian values that our forefathers founded this country on, those found in the Bible (which are found in the halls of our Supreme Court), the Ten Comandments. A direct result is that we start in our society wih a Sanctity for Life. It follows that the Sanctity of Marriage and the family is a fundamental building block of our society. Another fundamental belief is that of hard work and self reliance, which creates wealth for those willing to work for it, and as our Bible tells us clearly, if you don't work, if able, you should not eat. One more Conservative test is the Right to Bear Arms, a basic fundamental right in a Democracy and any Free Country.

So lets apply these principles to three "conservative" candidates left standing. Mike Huckabee is the only Conservative who has signed legislation to restrict abortion and protect the Sanctity of Life. Mike Huckabee is the only Conservative candidate who signed legislation protecting the American Family and the Sanctity of Marriage. Mike Huckabee is the only Conservative candidate who stands firmly to abolish the IRS, implement the Fair Tax, and allow us hardworking self reliant Americans to keep more of what we produce and decide how we spend and pay taxes. Last but definitely not least, Mike Huckabee is the ONLY Conservative candidate who has consistently supported the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution, a life long hunter and NRA member most of his adult life.

As you all know, John McCain and Mitt Romney fail miserably when compared on these four basic tests of Conservatism. To make matters worse you have broken the "Golden Rule" of our self proclaimed leader "Ronaldus Maximus", never attack a fellow Republican in the primaries.

Yet all of you have in unison decided to attack the record of the only True Conservative in the race, and prop up a man who makes John Kerry's flip flops look like a rank amateur.

So, I must do what you all have schooled me to do, remove my support from the fakes, the "wanna be conservatives" and be true to the real Conservative values I know stand through thick and through thin.

I am no longer listening to any of you! The great thing is that when all of my fellow Conservatives follow suit, your ratings will suffer so badly that the market will have room for some True Conservative talk show hosts!! I think I may have a new career!!

A True Conservative,

Craig A. Nordal

Evangelical Christian
Future Conservative Talk Show Host

Encinitas, CA


  1. Craig

    When I started supporting Mike Huckabee a couple of months ago I knew I was in for the long haul. Mike isn't going to surrender, nor are his supporters. I posted a piece a few minutes ago about this.

    Keep up the faith!

  2. I believe in Mike Huckabee until the end. He is a true conservative and is the only man running that is truly Pro life, Pro family and Pro faith.

  3. Populism is much closer to communism than republicanism.

  4. Kittyrunner... I just countered your comment at another blog.

    So your assertion is that Huckabee is a communist.

    I'll let that stand as an example of the depths of desperation to which Rombots have plunged.

  5. allen fuller,

    My 15yr old son says it is NOT Rombots - it's ROM-BOUGHTS! ;-)

  6. Mike Huckabee is the only conservative in the race. With only a marginal tax increase Mike improved Arkansas School rankings from 49th to 8th in the Nation. Now what allows a lower tax rate; a poorly educated taxpayer or a well educated taxpayer. Education is a conservative value

  7. Great post. "Ditto" Mike Huckabee is the consistent conservative. Romney needs to drop out and quit buying so many votes. My vote is NOT for sale! I'm staying with Mike Huckabee all the way to the White House.

  8. Kittyrunner is exactly on target. You seem to confuse "Christian" with conservative. You also seem to totally misunderstand the Bible.

    Jesus did not command you to "tax the rich to produce good welfare programs that "help" people" but that is what you people have twisted this election into. The Democrats will give more to the "poor"(stolen from the productive, of course) you should be voting for them.

    Judge them by their works. Can someone, please, direct me to the "pro-life" works of Huckabee?! 800 blogs for the Shuckster and not a single piece of legislation? Not empty statements but actual actions? C'mon, help me out. Rather than repeatedly attacking Romney, lead me to some FACTS. So far, no takers, I wonder why?
