
Friday, February 29, 2008

Pope Welcomes New US Ambassador

Pope Benedict XVI receives credentials from new U.S. Ambassador to the
Holy See, Mary Ann Glendon, during a private meeting at the Vatican.
REUTERS/Osservatore Romano

Pope Benedict XVI warmly welcomed Mary Ann Glendon as the new United States Ambassador to the Holy See today, and saluted the "American people's historic appreciation of the role of religion in shaping public discourse and in shedding light on the inherent moral dimension of social issues."

In his welcome to the former Harvard Law School professor, the Pope urged greater respect for "God's gift of life from conception to natural death, and the safeguarding of the institution of marriage, acknowledged as a stable union between a man and a woman, and that of the family" -- themes the Pope is likely to emphasize when he visits the United States in April.

The full text of the Holy Father's address to Dr. Glendon is

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