
Thursday, March 27, 2008


Geert Wilders, a member of the Dutch House of Representatives has been Europe's most vocal opponent of the Islamization of that continent. Unlike some deluded and ignorant Western politicians, he knows that Islam is not a "religion of peace," but rather a creed authored in the pit of Hell. It abhors Western ideas of multiculturalism, liberal democracy, human rights and even the right of Christians and non-Muslims to exist.

The West faces a challenge far greater than those posed by Nazism and Communism, and yet a culture that has forgotten its Christian roots, purpose and identity is often consumed with a self-hatred that prevents one from seeing the superiority of our own culture to that of the barbarians already inside our gates.

In a valiant effort to rouse the West to the reality confronting us, Wilders has made the following film. Please share it with friends and family, and keep its brutal images in mind in the voting booth, in your personal and professional life, and in prayer.


  1. Although the "documentary" illuminates the scary segments of extreme islam, you have to realize that the majority of the islam community does not share those views at all. I am a dutch citizen and I can inform you that the main reason for Mr. Wilders to make this film is to polarize the society and to stigmatize foreigners for his own political gains. THe result of this movie is that it will inflame the public opinion and that foreigners will be treated in a hostile manner just because the way they look Every Turk or Marrocian will be an new Bin Laden

  2. Dear Frits,
    I really doesn't matter what this film does the Dutch hate all foreigners. You do not differentiate between western or Islamic. The dutch conduct a sinister bigotry masked in a PR campaign telling the rest of the world how tolerant you are. The truth is you are indifferent, you could care less aside from your own. Each and every foreigner living is Holland is despised by your petty jealousy. Your government has created advantages for foreigners to make them come and they only pay 30% of the taxes. Well even this incentive isn't worth it! Learn to accept the rest of the world living in a global community and you might avoid creating a Dutch Ghetto.


  4. I'm sorry, but if you are a Muslim and believe the Koran as the word of God, then you must admit that the actions of Muslims depicted in the video are a part of Islam and not an exception to it. It is time that moderate Muslims owned up to the fact that yes, indeed, violence and terror are a part of Islam. I was a convert to Islam and over time came to see the reality of what it means to be a Muslim and practice Islam. I could go into many examples, but one that sticks out in my mind is the segregation of the sexes at mosques. Nowhere in the Koran is this type of segregation condoned, but it has become an accepted practice of Islam. Even though many muslims say they do not condone terrorism and it is not part of the religion, what do you see being done by muslims to stop terrorism and evil in the name of Islam? If all the muslims in the world who did not believe in terrorism got together to stop the supposed terrorist deviants of Islam, the terrorists would be stopped dead in their tracks. But most muslims just turn away and pretend that terrorism is not truly a part of their religion, trust me, I was a muslim and I know. Another problem of the western world regarding terrorism is the fact that it keeps tripping over itself to be politically correct. The video is offensive to muslims, so lets take it off the net. Where in this movie have actions been depicted that were not based on Islam or the Koran? I am not talking about the silly little cartoon of Mohammed, either. A true Muslim would never be offended by something which he or she feels was done by a non-believer, in fact, the correct feeling should be pity and care for someone who is not a muslim and supposedly cannot go to jenna (heaven). But muslims feel rage because it allowed by the Koran. Just see the rage in the video and the rage by the muslims throughout the world over this video. I wish more and more would come out with these types of movies, perhaps they will be able to stop at least one person from converting to a religion - Islam - that is based on terror, vengeance, evil and hatred.

  5. The Muslims use their religion as an excuse for their acts.

  6. I cannot but fully agree, Islam is a sadistic religion. One should only look at how they force their religion on Christians: by mutilating their genitalia, all young and old, men and women leaving them bleeding in excruciating pain. All they can think of is how to inflict pain on infidels. If we do not stop them now, it will be too late by the time we realize it.

  7. I can only shake my head watching the self-righteousness of some 'Christians' here. You don't have to look back a long time in history to see the same cruelty or worse done by Christians..citing the bible and the pope as justification for their deeds.

    You can find as many references in the bible which are 'sadistic' as in the Koran. Other examples cited here will also be found in both religions; e.g. when i was a young guy there was still strict sex segregation in my church, too.

    Superiority of our religion? barabarians at the gate? What a humbug. Much of what we regard as central parts of our culture has only survived the Middle Ages because the Islamic states have preserved and fostered it or actually it originates there, while Christianity burnt its books in the name of God.

    We need an active open discussion of the issues, not a narrow-minded view of things. If you like it or not, we live in a globalized society and we are no more able to block out the 'barbarians' by closing the gates. There is no more single political or militaric superpower dictating the rules, but a number of them. Approaching the world with the one-sidedness of this movie will only make things worse, not better.

  8. there cant be one side of a story and anyways any thing coming from a politician is doubtful because he might be using it fr his own benefits.
    as far as Islam is concerned i have come across so many blogs and people who are non Muslims who do not know any thing about Islam.they only know what their media or politicians tell them or want them to know.this is a world of conspiracy and Muslims have been victims of conspiracy this is so evident by the examples of Iraq and Afghanistan.
