
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

McCain: How To Lose The White House

From WorldNetDaily
By Janet Folger

It doesn't really matter how "honored" Mitt Romney would be to be chosen as Sen. John McCain's running mate, because if Sen. McCain wants to be president, he won't pick Romney. In fact, the very best way to lose the White House is to pick Mitt Romney for vice president. Here are just a few reasons why.
  1. Mitt Romney did two "post conversion" things the Clintons and Obamas only dream about:

    a. He ORDERED homosexual marriage, and

    b. He made abortion a tax-funded "health care benefit" in his state mandated socialized medicine plan.

  2. On life and marriage, there is no one worse than Mitt Romney.

  3. He's billed as "Mr. Money," but he had to loan himself millions because he couldn't raise enough to run. Romney outspent Mike Huckabee by about 20 to one. If you want to spend 20 times more than you would if you picked Gov. Huckabee, Romney's your guy. According to the Los Angeles Times, he spent $98 million dollars ($42.3 million of his own money) and only won three primaries: Utah, Massachusetts and Michigan – his three "home" states.

    In a cost/delegate analysis, there is no one worse than Mitt Romney.

  4. According to Rasmussen, Romney has "the least core support" and "the most core opposition of all the leading candidates, Republican or Democrat." Nearly half of Americans, 47 percent, find Romney so politically repugnant that they say they will vote against him "no matter who else is on the ballot." Gallup Guru put it this way: "Romney is the 'only candidate with a more negative than positive ratio.'"

    When it comes to popular support, there is no one worse than Mitt Romney.

  5. The one who attacked John McCain in the campaign the most was none other than Mitt Romney. If you want a guy that will attack you in an effort to get ahead, Romney's your pick. McCain's response to that attack is seen on video, speaking of "One of a number of [Romney's] attacks." McCain himself points out: "As we've gone up in the polls the attacks have grown more … hysterical." By the way, it was Huckabee during the race who defended McCain, calling him a "true … American hero" and calling the Romney attack "desperate and dishonest."

    When it comes to a record of personal attack against Sen. McCain, there is no one worse than Mitt Romney.

    If you want to lose, there is a sure fire way to do that: Pick Mitt Romney or someone else who can't be trusted to defend the right to life and the institution of marriage. Someone who can't be trusted, period. As the Myths of Mitt Romney point out, Romney has trouble with the truth. Here are a few that have been documented:

    1. Romney said his father marched with Martin Luther King Jr. He didn't.
    2. Romney said he marched with Martin Luther King Jr. He didn't.
    3. Romney said: "I have a gun of my own." He doesn't.
    4. Romney said he was endorsed by the National Rifle Association. He wasn't.
    5. Romney said he's been a hunter "all my life." Well, he hunted exactly "Twice." Once every forty years. In fact, according to public officials in four states where Romney lived, he never took out a license.

      Not only did he flip on every major social issue just before running for president, he wasn't even honest about it: Romney said both: "I wasn't pro-choice." and "I was pro-choice."
    6. According to Rasmussen, the candidate of either party with the least hard-core opposition among American voters besides John McCain (at 33 percent) is …Gov. Mike Huckabee (at 34 percent). Rasmussen reports the only candidate (of either party) with as much hard-core opposition from American voters as Romney is Hillary Clinton (tied at 47 percent).

      The numbers don't lie. Sen. McCain, there is one sure-fire way to lose the White House: Pick Mitt Romney.

      I'm not telling you whom to pick, but if you want the vice presidential candidate who in addition to winning the "must win" states in the primary, who has the best cost/vote ratio, who has proven he can energize the base of the party, who defended (not attacked) you even before you won the nomination, who is honest, consistent and according to Rasmussen, has the least opposition among American voters, Mike Huckabee is your guy.

      Ask him, I'm sure he would be honored to be your vice president, and I'm sure millions more would be honored to vote for you if you do.


  1. Could not agree more.

    How to win the White House? Four words:

    Vice President Rick Santorum


    Dr. Remulak

  2. Gov. Huckabee has the grassroots support, chief executive experience, youth appeal, and moral values record, that Sen. McCain lacks. Both Sen. McCain and Gov. Huckabee have a history of working with the opposition to get things done.

    If Romney is on the ticket, I WILL vote Independent.

  3. Romney happen to win, Wyoming, Neveda, Minnesota, and other states not just his "three home states." If Romney is so unpopular why did he get more electorial votes and popular votes then Huckabee before he droped out? Huckabee is a slick talking snake oil, bigoted bible thumper; who bashes Romney's faith and other's if they aren't "chrisitian." He not only had to apolgize to Romney for his bigoted comments but it cost him the West, and entrenched the feelings of many that aren't christian, that we can't trust people like Huckabee with such hard line exclusive adgendas.

  4. Wow,

    The fact that any Romney supporter could have the cahones to call Mike huckabee a snake oils salesman makes me roll around on the floor laighing.

    Mr, 'I will do more for the gays than Ted Kenney' but really, I'm the values voter champion, has NOTHING to say to me that I want to hear.

    You Romney folks call Mike a bigot. But YOU are the ones walking around calling people bible thumpers, and this is ok.

    Well you know what, denying that you WILL be held spiritually accountable some day for your choices and actions, will not make it go away.

    You guys aren't 'afraid' of Mike, you're afraid of the mirror he holds up to your selfish excuse for lives.

    Mike Huckabee was an Excellent governor, who changed the lives of his constituents for the better. He didn't institute a theocracy, and he actually succesfully ran a government. more than any of the three left standing have done.

    McCain would be wise to tap into his storehouse of knowlege.

  5. You Hucksters crack me up. So many lies. So much hate. Frankly, these sorts of falsehoods and blatant mis-representations (Romney was at the front of the battle against gay marriage, stem cells, etc.) don't even merit response. So, I will just point out that while Romney is obviously on the short list for consideration (or you folks wouldn't be writing this), I don't think he will be picked as there are a lot of other conservative candidates that could bring in the conservative vote. The Huckster, of course, is only given token recognition as he has a higher negative rating with conservatives than even McCain!

    I also have to laugh at the first commentator supporting Santorum. Apparently he missed the fact that he is a Romney supporter (and still vocal McCain basher)!. But then again, who wasn't a Romney supporter among the leaders of the conservative movement?

    Putting aside all the conspiracy theories, why is is that virrtually NO leading conservative supports the Huckster? You evangelicals just don't get the fact that McCain has to have a conservative on the ticket - - not a right wing nut-job evangelical preacher.

    Honestly, between pastors Hagee insulting Catholics and Huckabee attempting to belittle the Mormons that takes care of the first and fourth largest faiths in America! This country was founded by peolpe looking to escape people like you who believe there should be a religious litmus test for political candidates!

  6. Apparently the first poster missed the fact that the great Rick Santorum was a Romney supporter. But then, who among leading conservatives wasn't?

    Perhaps, after the heat of battle dies, evangelicals might ask themselves why do all of the leading conservatives (Santorum, Jeb Bush, Laura Ingraham, Sean, H Hewitt, National Review, and on and on) support Romney? Why do serious and insightful conservatives like Peggy Noonan not even consider Huckabee a "serious candidate" because of his attempt to belittle another candidate's faith? Why do conservatives have a higher neagative reaction to Huckabee than they do even to McCain? Was it, as Krauthammer said, "Un-American" to attempt to belittle or highlight religious differences between candidates? Is Gov. Romney really evil incarnate as blogs like this try and paint? Why do virtually no leading conservatives support Huckabee (or even non-evangelicals)? Things to think about after the battle is over.

    Finally, the fact is that Romney was winning over a large segment of evangelicals before Huckabee entered the race. Romney was reaching out to evangelicals (the funny thing is that evangelicals do not realyze how much culturaL similarity exists between LDS and evangelicals). Most people understand that after Huckabee entered it is natural to be drawn to someone of your own faith. However, as a result of Huckabee attempting to highlight religious differences, a segment of evangelicals like this blogger engage in falsehoods and misrepresenations against an honorable man like Romney (and a candidate who, if not for Huckabee's tactics, many of you would most likely be supporting over McCain).

  7. I am not a fan of anyone....But if you want the people in the south...I would suggest you make Huckabee your VP...The south will not automatically vote republican this time...I agree on the Romney statement...The only state he won was Mass, Michigan and Utah..His home, his growing up home and his spirtual home...And a few caucus states such as Wyoming, largest populations of mormons than any state other than Utah..Nevada a state started by the mormons..And no one competed against him in those states...If you look back at the the set up for the primaries...They fell right in where he would be strong....If they had been started in the south he would have no delegates..John McCain is not that popular in the south anyway...

  8. Mike Huckabee fills in McCain's gaps. He is staunchly pro-life, pro-2nd amendment, anti-illegal immigration and pro Fair Tax. He has executive experience and the ability to communicate. His values are to the core genuine.

    I too personally will not vote for the McCain ticket if Romney is on it.

  9. Huckabee to win the south? LOL. Approximately 2/3rds of southern republicans voted against Huckabee. Huckabee did little more than essentially split the southern vote between Romney and McCain! While Romney could get 30%in Georgia, 29% in Missouri, 24% in Tenn and 31% in Florida (the most important state in the region where Huckabee was not even compettive!), the Huckster barely registers outside of the south or evangelicals. Huckabee does nothing for the ticket except alienate conservatives.

    Romney competed in 29 states and came in 1st or 2nd 22 times (with close 3rd place finishes in states like Missouri: 33% for McCain, 32% Huckabee and 29% Romney) with 11 wins. Conversely, Huckabee won a handful of states and came in 3rd or 4th 20 TIMES! You folks simply need to face the undeniable fact that Huckabee had almost no support except for evangelicals. It is not personal - - we just don't think he is a very good candidate. But for pete-sakes stop the anti-Romney stuff. Try and convince others to support your candidate all you want but stopping trying to tear down other good, honorable republicans. If this is the sort of divisive campaing Huckabee approves of -- you can keep him. Disgusting.

  10. Ok, let's get some FACTS straight Huckster fans. Romney also won Minnesota, Colorado, Maine, would have won West Virginia too if McCain hadn't ceeded his delegates to Huckabee. Romney ran and won states coast to coast and finished second in most states like CA,Fl,IA, etc. Small time Huckabee won Iowa only because of Evangalical support and a few Southern States. He was a regional canidate and a bad one at that.

    Mitt Romney also outspent everyone else cause he EARNED his money in an instituition called capitalism. (Please read about Bain Company) He also RAISED more money then any other Republican Canidate. Romeny dropped out of the race when he realized he statistically couldn't win so McCain could win and start the much needed fundraising for a General election. Huckster on the other hand was selfish, and self centered. He rode the adulation wave all the way in against all odds, instead of getting out so Republicans could raise money for the General election. Which is what Republicans needed since Huckabee, and McCain are so cash strapped and pathetically broke unlike Romney. O wait McCain married into a 'Beer Heiress' fortune and was the P.R. man for Daddy's little princess, his wife! McCain earned his stripes in Veitnam but not his money, he had to marry into that. We need guys like Romney to level the playing field with China and around the world so America stays economically viable and doesn't become the like the "South."

    Mike Huckabee, what a joke... It makes me roll around laughing even prouncing his name. Didn't even graduate from the Baptist College he claims to have gotten a Theological Degree at (as noted in ( website.) Boasts about eating fried squirel in a popcorn popper and put a triple wide trailer on the Govenor's mansion. lol. Now that is some funny stuff, haha. O yeah and all the Evengalical leader's didn't even back him at the end of the day. Romney's guy's all came out for him, with support and money, where were Huckabees??? The author of this article needs some facts checks and the bloggers.

  11. Ok, let's get some FACTS straight Huckster fans. Romney also won Minnesota, Colorado, Maine, would have won West Virginia too if McCain hadn't ceeded his delegates to Huckabee. Romney ran and won states coast to coast and finished second in most states like CA,Fl,IA, etc. Small time Huckabee won Iowa only because of Evangalical support and a few Southern States. He was a regional canidate and a bad one at that.

    Mitt Romney also outspent everyone else cause he EARNED his money in an instituition called capitalism. (Please read about Bain Company) He also RAISED more money then any other Republican Canidate. Romeny dropped out of the race when he realized he statistically couldn't win so McCain could win and start the much needed fundraising for a General election. Huckster on the other hand was selfish, and self centered. He rode the adulation wave all the way in against all odds, instead of getting out so Republicans could raise money for the General election. Which is what Republicans needed since Huckabee, and McCain are so cash strapped and pathetically broke unlike Romney. O wait McCain married into a 'Beer Heiress' fortune and was the P.R. man for Daddy's little princess, his wife! McCain earned his stripes in Veitnam but not his money, he had to marry into that. We need guys like Romney to level the playing field with China and around the world so America stays economically viable and doesn't become the like the "South."

    Mike Huckabee, what a joke... It makes me roll around laughing even prouncing his name. Didn't even graduate from the Baptist College he claims to have gotten a Theological Degree at (as noted in ( website.) Boasts about eating fried squirel in a popcorn popper and put a triple wide trailer on the Govenor's mansion. lol. Now that is some funny stuff, haha. O yeah and all the Evengalical leader's didn't even back him at the end of the day. Romney's guy's all came out for him, with support and money, where were Huckabees??? The author of this article needs some facts checks and the bloggers.

  12. "So much hate."

    Apparently, you take your cue from the homosexual lobby, just like Mitt did before running for prez. Characterize the Truth as "hate."

    "Romney was at the front of the battle against gay marriage."

    In fact, while running for gov in 2002, Romney OPPOSED a Marriage Protection Amendment to his state constitution. And without legislative authorization, and with no court order to do so, he issued an executive order instructing justices of the peace to perform homosexual weddings, or resign. Without Romney's executive order, there would be no homosexual "marriage" in Mass today.

    "But then again, who wasn't a Romney supporter among the leaders of the conservative movement?"

    Starting with Dr. James Dobson, who endorsed Huckabee, it's a long list:

    (The above letter includes one individual who later endorsed Romney, then endorsed Huckabee.

    "...people like you who believe there should be a religious litmus test for political candidates!"

    As opposed to Romney supporters, who accuse anyone who criticizes Romney's left-wing record of promoting abortion on demand, the homosexual agenda, and gun control of being a religious bigot. How come the Romney folks are the only ones who do that? When McCain was criticized by evangelicals for voting against the marriage amendment, his supporters didn't automatically accuse the critics of being anti-Episcoplian. Why do only Romney supporters whine and play the religion card whenever Romney's liberal record in Massachusetts is exposed?

  13. Romney spent $100 million and won NO PRIMARIES outside of his three "home" states: Michigan, his native state...Utah, his home church state...and Mass, his political home state. All the other wins were caucuses. In the three states where he spent the most money and spent the most personal time -- where voters knew him best, met him personally, and were barraged by months of TV spots -- he lost: Iowa, NH, and SC.

    As the original article points out, Hillary is the only candidate with as large a segment of Americans dead set to vote against her as does Romney. While McCain and Huckabee have the smallest percentage of hardcore opposition among American voters.

  14. Okay - Enough talk, here are the numbers. So far nobody has been able to post a coherent argument to refute these stunning numbers that are devastating to Gov. Huckabee. There is just no argument that Huckabee helps McCain more than Romney when you look at the data that I ran.

  15. McCain is not going to pick Huckabee. He is not even under consideration! While McCain will most likely go with another conservative besides Romney ( I am hoping for Pawlentry, Crist, or Cox), Huckabee is not under consideration. Picking Huckabbe is the one thing that McCain could do that would ensure conservative republicans stay home. Aslo, Gov. Huckabee brings NOTHING to the ticket and would turn off democrats and independents. You will never see Huckabee given any serious consideration.

  16. Thanks for linking to the insightful Peggyy Noonan. Of course, she stated that while Romney was a "serious" candidate - - Huckabee was not due to his actions towards Romney in the primary.

  17. Thanks for linking to the insighful Peggy Noonan. Of course, she considered Romney, not Huckabee, to have the makings of a President!

  18. it should be corrected, that whom ever said that mccain supported huckabee in winning the west virginia contest, in incorrect.
    according to ron paul himself on thier website, all ron paul supporters supported huckabee. if you add in pauls support to huckabee and fill in the numbers only about half of mccain supporters went with huckabee, with is the same percent after romney dropped the presidential bid. the news media jumped the gun to knock down huckabee. but since romney owned clear channel, and is still making money off of its siter company, ofcourse everyone was flocking to him, they were paid too.
    romney sent out anti romney/paul/mccain/thomson calls with pro-huckabee info, which was later directed to one of his maxed out donors, but he still insisted it was huckabee. that was the time huckabee fell from 1st in the polls with about 23% down to about 18% and let mccain and romney sky above him, causing him too losse SC, and forcing huckabee who just within a week of florida was in a 3 way race. romney spent millions on bashing huckabee, in iowa,NH, SC, florida.
    also romney only did win 2 primaries, the rest were indeed caucuses.
    from PA, i will not be voting for mccain/santorum if that were his choice, even though i do believe he is one of the best conservatives in the nation, hes not the best. he is closed minded. not just to the liberal side, but too middle moderate opinions.
    mccain will only get my vote if 3 things happen, he picks huckabee, ron paul, or hillary/obama are winning in pre elections polls and he DOES NOT have romney on the ticket. i would pick wither Dem over Romney, since they are the same thing, the only difference is that romney tries to pretend he is somethign else.

  19. It ceases to amaze the anymous toward Huckabee by other conservatives. We should save that for the competition in the general election. Hoenstly, I don't know who would help McCain secure the election but I do know that any of the candidates that ran on our side are vastly better than the alternative. So, while you fiscal conservatives out there think Huck's a lib on those matters, you need to go back and analyze Reagan's record, Perception is one thing and then there are the facts! Yea, Huck raised taxes in specific areas, schools, court orderd; roads, truckers said Ark. had the worst in the nation, so he fixed them for his states opportunity to attract future business. I would interested to see how these two taxes equate to the total taxes raised, ie, the net increase everyone talks about. However, everyone fails to mention that he eliminated the marriage penalty, the cap. gains tax on home sales, lowered the corp. income tax, doubled the child tax credit, all of which we could only dream about at the federal level today!!! So, here was a candidate that was both fiscally and socially conservative and what happens, he's attacked by his own party by those of you who stand only two of the three legs of conservatism! So, if you so called objective repubs look at the facts and had made an honest assessment as I had done by researching what those facts were compared to listening solely to the talking heads(ones I listen almost daily, Rush, Hannity, Valentine, etc.) you may form a more objective opinion of Huck. As I said, who should McCain's VP be, don't know. Although, the others failed, Mitt couldn't connect with the voters, Guliani had too much baggage, Fred was a day late and a dollar short, so we are left with McCain, definitely not my first choice but here we are. HOW DO WE WIN?!!

  20. It's probably going to be Giuliani, Palin, Crist, or Steele.

    Sorry guys, if there were the remotest chance Huckabee was in the running for the Veepstakes, he would not have tried to fight McCain all the way to Texas.

  21. Anyone see what the Democrats are doing to each other? Might want to be a path we leave exclusively to them. Advantage: Republicans. Unless, of course, the aptly put question "HOW DO WE WIN?" actually means "how do I win?" to too many of us. Then whatever small (but not insubstantial) benefit we gain from Democrat fratricide may well be lost. McCain will choose who he chooses. The question we face is: whatever the choice, is it worse than what we would suffer under any Democrat ticket?

  22. I find it hilarious when the remaining, bitter Romney supporters continue to lie for their lying ex-candidate Romney. I also find it funny how almost every anti-Huckabee comment on the Internet are from Romney supporters and/or Ron Paul supporters (who now have finally given up their immoral bashing of ALL candidates). You don't see Huckabee supporters going around the Internet, trolling blogs, forums, and/or YouTube making of these distorted lies about Romney, do you? Nope, only bitter Romney supporters do that!

    Well, here's a link for you dirtbags:

    Read it and cry some more, you mor(m)ons.

    Oh, and by the way, I pray that Romney is McCain's VP pick. So that both McCain and Romney gets blown out by the Dems this year, giving way to Huckabee in 2012! Huckabee is McCain's only chance... But, I must admit, McCain won't pick either Romney or Huckabee. McCain's ego is too big to fit a VP that will show him up.
