
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

No Surprise Here: Romney Campaign Co-Chair Endorses...OBAMA

By Gary Glenn

The man who would have advised the White House on future U.S. Supreme Court appointments, had Romney been elected president...

Pepperdine Law Professor Doug Kmiec served as co-chairman of the Romney for President campaign's "Advisory Committee on the Constitution and the Courts."

Now that his first choice philosophically is out of the race, the top advisor on future judicial appointments to the allegedly "conservative" Republican presidential candidate has now endorsed -- naturally, who else? -- the pro-abortion on demand, pro-homosexual agenda, socially liberal Democrat from Illinois, Senator Barack Obama.

Which explains...

...why Kmiec was also comfortable supporting Romney, given Romney's pro-abortion on demand, pro-homosexual agenda, socially liberal political record in Massachusetts. fortunate social conservatives were -- this time -- that Romney's political fortunes did not allow him to elevate someone so lacking in philosophically reliable judgment to a position of influence over future Supreme Court selections.

...why, yet again, it is Romney's philosophical commitment and judgment that are not to be trusted by social conservatives. As if further evidence was needed on this issue beyond Romney's appointment to the Massachusetts bench of two homosexual activists, one a Lesbian and Gay Bar Association board member who'd been an outspoken proponent of homosexual "marriage."


  1. Thanks for exposing the truth about Romney to the blind conservative media. Many of us saw through his facade during the campaign and voted for a real conservative. Hopefully, others will wake up before 2012 rolls around.

  2. I am still ashtonished to hear Romney being elevated as the great conservative hope.

    I swear his supporters all have a man crush on his 'presidential appearance'

  3. Somehow after all the research that I have done about Romney' record, this doesn't really suprise me. Hopefully it helps others realize what they were really voting for in Romney.

  4. "Pro-abortion" and pro-homosexual marriage"? What lies. As everyone knows and is well documented, Romney led the fight AGAINST homosexual marriage and won awards and recognition from Right to Life for his work defending human life. This is why Huckabee supporters are so disliked. You simply have no honor.

    The article illustrates the difficulty conservatives have after Romney withdrew. The former advisor remains committed against homosexual marriage and supports right to life. This simply illustrates thae conservatives had no acceptable choice after Romney. Huckabee was obviously unqualified based upon his religious bigotry. While most conservatives will not support obama, this advisor does so to apparently try and convince his candidate to support the important social issues we care about. Perhaps naive on the part of the advisor, but has nothing to do with Romney.

  5. The advisor is a well known Catholic who, as the articles explain, is staunchly anti-gay marraige and is very pro-life. He explains that he belives Obama is open to these ideas. While perhaps naive, this has nothing to do with Romney as the advisor, who worked under Reagan and Bush, remains a strong social conservative. Simply shows there is not much of a choice for conservatives except to try and convince other candidates to support traditional marriage and the right to life. Finally, while not very important, the advisor was not campaign co-chair, he was co-chair of a committee on the courts.

  6. "Pro-homosexual marriage" and pro-abortion"? What lies. This is why Huckabee supportes are so disliked. But as the advisor is a well known conservative Catholic (who remains very committed to traditional marriage and the right to life as the articles explain), we all understand how evangelicals like Hagee feel about Catholics and Huckabee feels about Mormons. No surprise you would chose to gtry and misrepresent Romney's position.

  7. While, I do not blame Mr. Romney for what his supporters do, it does illustrate that a number of his supporters don't have a clue what Conservatism is all about.


  8. If there is anything more than a rhetorical difference between "Gay Marriage" and "Civil Unions", Obama does support civil unions but not gay marriage.

  9. NEWSFLASH!! In an annoucement that has shocked the evangelical community, former governor Mike Huckabee announced today that, not only is he now supporting John McCain, but hopes to actually join his administration as VP. McCain, despite recent denials, stronly considered switching political parties and becomming a democrat. McCain also has taken numerous positions on stem cell reserach and abortion funding that are strongly at odds with most social conservatives, many of whom have claimed they could never support McCain because of his positions. When asked to explain the glaring inconsistencies, Huckabee responded that while he did not agree on those issues with McCain, he hoped that perhaps he might be able to have some influence on the issues. Catholics and Mormons, often the receipient of evangelical bigotry, responded with sneering comments that Huckabee obviously was not fully committed to social conservative values.

    In other political news, a former advisor to one of Mitt Romney's campaign committees and a respected Catholic constitutional scholar who worked for both Reagan and Bush, annouced today that, while remaining staunchly anti-gay marriage and committed to right to life, he will be supporting Obama and believes that Obama is not closed to understanding and accomodating his views.

    Meanwhile, Mitt Romney has vowed to continue his well-know fight against gay marriage and again expressed his appreciation to Massachusett's Right to Life for their recognition and support of his work protecting the unborn.

  10. The Great Judge Robert Bork endorsed Romney for Pres.,so Romney must be pretty good about Judges.

  11. No Surprise Here. Another Pro-Huckabee, Bash Romney post. The war is over, time to drop the weapons or point them at the democrats.

  12. You Huckster supporters need to let go of the Romney envy and hate -- you will feel better!

  13. Lets see. The Huckster supports McCain who fought against the marriage amendment and supports embryonic stem cell research and has many other positions contrary to social conservatives. The Huckster hopes me might be able to influence McCain on those issues. The former Romney advisor, a social conservative, hopes to be able to influence Obama on those issues.


  14. For folks who claimed to be Christian (and believe in imposing a religious litmus test on those running for political office), you are the most hateful people I have ever met.

    You people need to understand when to let a political contest end. Romney and Huckabee are both honorable men. Huckabee, because if his inexperience, simply crossed a line in questioning Romney's faith that he should not have crossed. Huckabee apologized. We have moved on. You should too!

  15. Most of you are all sounding much like Rev. Jeremiah Wright: you just want to dredge up old ghosts to make waves. Get over it, already, for crying out loud. This piece is speculating, speculating, speculating that if you peel away the face of Romney's "former" advisor that you'll see Romney himself. That's such B.S.!

    Do you need to be reminded that Romney pulled out of the race, and that he has no control over who any of his former campaign supporters and advisors do on their own time?

    You're all just stirring up a lot of muck just to hear yourselves and stroke one another. Get on with your lives!!!!!!

  16. Oh NO! I just found out that Mitt Romney was a Mormon! Yipes! So, now, because Mormons are scary, we need to attack them even when they aren't running for office anymore. And we should use "guilt by association" when we do it, and we should even lie about those associations and make them worse than they actually are.

    This post is funny. Yes, Romney is a Mormon. Get over it! Stop trying to hide your anti-Mormon bigotry behind something else. Just say it, it'll make you feel better to be open about it. Say: "I hate Mormons."

    Next, stop lying about other people's reputations and trying to make them look bad, like this professor who is staunchly Catholic and both pro-life and anti-homosexual marriage.

    Next, get over your love for Mike Huckabee. He would have been a disaster of a candidate and even worse for the conservative movement if actually elected. Neither Romney nor Huckabee are still running for President, so you can calm down a bit now.

    And last of all, stop with your self-hatred. Obviously, you hate yourself very much to spend so much time envying Mitt Romney. Learn to be comfortable with your own level of wealth. Learn to be comfortable with your own family situation and your own looks and your own hair or lack thereof. Part of the second great commandment is about loving yourself, and envy prohibits you from doing that. So, get over your Romney envy.

  17. Funny how all the pro-Romney psychos are attacking Mike Huckabee on this comment section even though the post had nothing to do with Huckabee. Try to stay on topic, kids. Whatever you may think about Huckabee, the fact remains that Romney is a liar, panderer, opportunist, and jerk.

  18. Love the "Newsflash"! Huckster supporters are the biggest hypocrites on the planet (and the dumbest to think they had something on Romney) What a joke. What, no retort by the blogger?

  19. There is not a social conservative left in the race. Anyone who votes simply has to hope that they can influence their candidate to support family values. So? If I support McCain does that mean I support gay marriage. What a goofball.

  20. It is understandable that many politicians and consultants in the Republican establishment might be willing to sell their souls to a charlatan willing to reverse all of his previous policy positions and say anything in his quest to buy the White House, what is tragic and sad is that so many others are his willing dupes.

  21. For a $50.00 Tax-Payer subsidized abortion, do not go to Arkansas. Go to Massachusetts, where they now have socialized medicine, thanks to the leadership of Flip-Flopney. If you would like to back a Presidential Candidate who has argued strongly in favor of infanticide, please check out Barack Obama.

  22. Up until July 2005, Romney ever so passionately endorsed Roe v Wade and openly defended abortion on demand, saying famously in his 2002 gubernatorial debate: "I do not take the position of a pro-life candidate." He was endorsed by the pro-abort Majority for Choice PAC.

    As a candidate for governor in 2002, he also opposed the Marriage Protection Amendment proposed and supported by pro-family groups.
    And he endorsed gays in the military, tax-funded benefits for the homosexual partners of state employees, Kennedy's federal "gay rights" legislation, and promised to be more effective at promoting the homosexual agenda than Kennedy. As a result, he was twice endorsed by the homosexual Log Cabin Republicans. And as governor, he appointed two homosexual activists to the bench.

    He voted in the Democrat presidential primary in 1992 and declared that he was an "independent" during the Reagan Administration.

    These are all documented facts. Simply put, anyone who says otherwise is either a liar (if he's aware of the facts) or ignorant (if he's not aware of the facts).

  23. Richard has posted a well written post, devoid of name-calling and mud throwing. My thanks to him. BTW, that's much the way Huckabee is towards all people. I say that as an atheist, so maybe that lends a bit of weight to my comment.

  24. At least Romney understands economics and managed a state, and many corporate ventures. McCain could not even manage his campaign and look at the lobbyists on his team. So, you like paying a bunch for phone service?

    I am voting for Obama too!

  25. I find it hilarious that even in this blog post, which doesn't mention Mitt Romney's religion AT ALL, the crazy Romney supporters/Huckabee bashers come here to play their "religion/bigotry card," like they always do.

    Maybe one day, you mor(m)ons will realize how terrible you make yourselves look... then again, maybe not. Have fun bashing Mike Huckabee and using your "religion/bigotry card" wherever you see something (remotely) negative about Mitt Romney.
