
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

An Appeal From A Red Cross Nurse in Iraq

I have received many emails from people asking is there is anything I need here in Iraq. Well, I personally am doing well and have no specific needs; however, I go to the hospital here 2 times a week and always inquire if they need anything.

Today when I went there things were busy with casualties. Some in surgery, some in ICU and some in ICW. Both military and civilians. I did get to visit the ones that were out of surgery and in ICW. There were 2 Iraqi women who the "bad guys" as they say here hid in their homes. Well, our good guys got the bad guys but the civilians were wounded in the process. With things heating up they expect to be busy at the hospital.

Anyway, today I was told that they need baby wipes. No particular brand but they use them on the patients. I went to the PX and all they had were 2 boxes which I bought and dropped off. If you feel so inclined to buy a box and send them to me I will make sure they get to the hospital. And include your name so we can send a special thank you for helping support the troops.

You can send them to:

American Red Cross
Attn: Carol Proxee
COB Speicher
APO AE 09393

Thanks for your help. I can not tell you how much it will be appreciated.

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