
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Chelsea Clinton -- The Audacity of "Diversity"

By Gary Glenn

The amazing versatility of Chelsea Clinton's appeal, and the amazing diversity of Hillary Clinton's values.

Chelsea surrounded by the purity of white...

SAN JUAN, P.R. -- Chelsea Clinton April 30th at Our Lady of Providence senior citizens home, where she told 250 seniors and an order of Catholic nuns who run the home -- all of whom wear all-white dress-like "habits" -- that her mother shares their social and political values.;_ylt=Ar16jTGf.NZpdlsn7mrLbJTlWMcF

Chelsea surrounded by the depravity of red...

PORTLAND, ORE. -- Chelsea Clinton April 12th at the "Red Dress Party," where she told approximately 2,000 homosexual men -- all wearing red dresses -- that her mother shares their values. The party was described by one homosexual journalist as an "alcohol-fueled dance party where nearly 2,000 gay men in various states of red dress undress (and several nearly naked straight men as well as one very colorfully decorated naked woman)."

Here's betting that when she made her sweet appeal to the nuns in white, Chelsea didn't mention her visit with the "ladies" in red.



    During the interview, Bill O’Reilly pays Hillary the ULTIMATE INSULT by telling her to her face that she is JUST LIKE HIM.

    Two divisive peas in a pod!!

    What worse thing could Bill O’Reilly possibly say to anyone?

  2. Let's not forget that Hillary is electable, Obama is NOT! He can't beat McCain, he is corrupt in so many ways, not even including the Wright controvrsy!

    Obama—>Rezko—>Auchi—>Saddam Hussein & Muammar al-Gadaffi

    Obama got his money from Rezko who got his 3.5 million from Auchi:

    -Nadhmi Auchi is an Iraqi-born billionaire who was charged along with
    Saddam Hussein for conspiring to assassinate Prime minister (president)
    Abdul Karim Qasim and stood trial in 1959. (Auchi gave fellow Baath
    Party members machine guns from his home for Saddam Hussein.)

    -Auchi protected secret money for Saddam Hussein AND Muammar al-Gadaffi.
    (Remember, Obama’s Trinity church Pastor Wright went with Nation of
    Islam minister Louis Farrakhan in 1993 to visit Libyan socialist leader

    -Auchi also financially backed Saddam Hussein’s plan for a pipeline
    from Iraq to Saudi Arabia.

    -Rezko was also a business partner with Nation of Islam Founder’s
    son: Jabir Herbert Muhammad.

    Why isn’t the media talking about all of Barack Obama’s scary friends
    who have ties to the worst people in history?

    *Don’t forget William (Bill) Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn of the Weather

    *Obama’s cousin Raila Odinga who just became co-President of Kenya
    this week (after 1,000 people were killed) whom Obama is said to be
    close to...who signed a secret pact with Muslim jihadists who were
    to ethnically cleanse people?

    And why does Raila Odinga use Obama’s exact same campaign slogan:
    CHANGE....Vote for CHANGE: Look at his website:

  3. wow. this _is_ fun. obama is quadaffi. that's a new one. i love the association game. i betcha can't get to kevin bacon in 6 steps or less, ya paranoid joker.

  4. i think the real lead story is being hidden here. and that's how important it is for hrc's campaign to make chelsea look hot. i think she does okay on her own, but they must be concerned about it if they keep surrounding her this way. she's positively smokin' compared to a passle of aging nuns and a mob of sweaty transvestites.
