
Sunday, April 6, 2008

"Some Catholic": Former PM Tony Blair is Now Raising Funds for Homosexual Group


Editorial by John-Henry Westen

LONDON, April 4, 2008 – Stonewall, England’s largest and most well-known homosexual activist organization, held its annual fundraising dinner last night, raising over $600,000. A sizeable chunk of the funds raised came in thanks to former British Prime Minister Tony Blair – the same Tony Blair who was received into the Catholic Church only a few months ago by top English prelate Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor.

The opportunity to have tea with Tony Blair secured a bid of $40,000 in an auction held at the dinner. Incidentally Blair was the keynote speaker at last year’s Stonewall fundraiser. During his speech Blair thanked the gathered attendees for their help in passing his legislation to permit homosexual civil unions. Blair said that of all the pro-homosexual legislation passed in recent years, the civil partnership law gave him more than just pride, "it actually brought real joy." The first same-sex civil union caused him to give "a little sort of skip," he said, it was "just so alive, and I was so struck by it."

Another piece of legislation passed under Blair, the Sexual Orientation Legislation, affects the Catholic Church directly. In addition to Christian schools being forbidden from teaching against homosexuality, adoption agencies, Catholic included, must permit adoption of children by homosexual couples. Blair ignored warnings from a UK Catholic bishop that Catholic adoption agencies would have to close if such legislation were passed.

And guess which agency was most concerned with ensuring that the Catholic Church could not maintain its freedom of conscience on adoptions? You guessed it – Stonewall. warned, prior to Blair’s reception into the Catholic Church – as did other faithful Catholics - that should Blair be accepted into the Church without repenting of his pro-abortion and pro-homosexual past it would cause scandal.

Those warnings were ignored.

In a press release issued the day after Blair’s December 21st reception into the Church at a private ceremony in the chapel at Cardinal O’Connor’s personal residence, the Cardinal said he was “very glad” to welcome Blair into the Church.

John Smeaton, national director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) commented on the matter saying, "During his premiership, Tony Blair became one of the world's most significant architects of the culture of death - promoting abortion, experiments on human embryos, including on cloned human embryos, and euthanasia by neglect.”

To respectfully contact the Archdiocese of Westminster:

Vaughan House,
46 Francis Street,
Archbishop's House: 020 7798 9033

My Message to the Archbishop of Westminster

Your Eminence:

As a Catholic who winced at your very public enthusiasm and joy at the reception of Mr. Tony Blair into the Catholic Church, I hope you will be equally as public in making very clear that faithful Catholics do not support the agenda of the radical homosexual movement:

A clear statement by the Archbishop of Westminster explaining Catholic teaching on these matters, will lessen the scandal caused by this apostate.

Yours in Christ,

Daniel J. Cassidy


  1. While Catholics can disagree on many issues, Mr. Blair has really crossed the line on this issue. It is a shame that Mr. Blair is supporting such non sense.


  2. I agree 100%! What a disgrace.
