
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Apostate Clergy and Church Personnel Invest in Culture of Death

From Catholic World News

  • Federal election donations: Simon, Denis (CQ MoneyLine)
  • Brief biography of Deacon Simon (Girl Scouts)
  • Clerical donations: Brooklyn seminarian Robert Mucci gives $1,550 to Obama (CWN)
  • Chancery donations: Diocesan finance director Kathleen Laseter gives $1,300 to Obama (CWN) Diocesan officials (Diocese of the Virgin Islands)
  • Clerical donations: Deacon (Richard Kovacs) with key role in papal visit supported Dodd for president (CWN)
  • Priestly donations: Rhode Island’s ‘diocesan minister for priests’ Father Normand Godin backs Hillary (CWN)
  • Priestly donations: 5 Obama contributions from NJ priest (Father Dennis Crowley) involved in Voice of the Faithful (CWN)
  • Priestly donations: Prominent Tucson priest Msgr. Arsenio Carrillo backs pro-abortion critic of Archbishop Burke (AP)
  • Priestly donations: Prominent San Jose priest Msgr. Eugene J. Boyle gives $4,600 to Hillary (CWN)
  • Priestly donations: Louisville priest Fr. John Schwartzlose supported Edwards; opposition to Bush judicial nominee (CWN)
  • Priestly donations: Detroit priest, ‘I Loved a Boy’ author Fr. James L. Meyer backs (CWN)
  • Priestly donations: Prominent SF priest Msgr. Bruce A. Dreier gives $500 to Obama (CWN)

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