
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Barr's Message Appeals To Youth Vote

By Shana Kluck
Congressman Barr appeared on The Colbert Report this evening, earning the coveted “Colbert Bump.” Robert Stacy McCain reports at the American Spectator that Colbert’s interview was “surprisingly respectful” and “allowed the candidate to answer at length”.

Some of Bob’s responses-
[Libertarians] are a big swing vote this time because Americans are finally realizing, at long last, that the current two-party system, the Democrats and the Republicans, have failed and failed miserably, and will simply give them more of the same.

A lot of people, particularly a lot of younger people, are completely fed up with the system, they’ve seen the corruption of the system that has given us bigger government no matter which party’s in charge, they see the future as fairly bleak under the current system, and they’re ready to vote Libertarian for the first time.
R.S. McCain also reports-
Barr’s mention of younger voters was tailor-made for Colbert’s cable-TV audience, which skews young — more than two-thirds of his half-million or so nightly viewers are under 35. And the Libertarian message has strong appeal to young voters, who are generally less influenced by the Republicans’ social-conservative and national-security messages that resonate with older voters.
Referring to the potential impact of his campaign, Barr was quoted, off-camera, as saying-
It’s our plan to do a lot more than to throw a monkey wrench. We aim to make it a three-way race between equals.
Read more- Laughing Last & Bob Barr takes on Comedy Central’s Colbert

1 comment:

  1. Q&A How can McCain SIMULTANEOUSLY attract both Hillary AND Bob Barr voters? Answer: PALIN Veep!
