
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Reader's Comments and My Response

I received the following, anonymous comment to an older post that I would like to share with readers, since it reflects an attitude frequently heard in regard to Bob Barr's campaign for the Presidency:
Anonymous said...
Oh great. Just what we need, someone to take away votes from McCain and put Obama in the White House. When that happens, I hope you are all satisfied. You might as well vote for Obama. In case you haven't noticed, McCain has an excellent record of bipartisanship.
June 25, 2008 10:55 PM
My response follows:

Anonymous, the Republican Party will soon nominate a man who inspires no enthusiasm among most Republicans, and would not even be our nominee had not Democrats crossed over in states like South Carolina to vote for him.
Some of us have come to realize over the past eight years that the lesser of two evils is still evil. I, for one, want no part in evil. You are quite right; "McCain has an excellent record of bipartisanship," and it is on that record of cosponsoring much of the worst legislation of the past generation that conservatives repudiate him. Let the Democrats, whose legislation he has championed and cosponsored, vote for him.

Bob Barr recently told The Associated Press that if John McCain doesn’t win, it’s because McCain is running on the wrong issues:

"If Senator McCain is not successful, it will be because his message and his vision did not resonate with a plurality of the voters."

And he is absolutely right. The Rockefeller wing of the Republican Party has decided they can win with Hillary supporters, mindless "independents," and McCain's admirers in the media, and without conservatives. They repudiate the policies of Reagan and the coalition he built. They will lose, and fortunately, when they do, Democrats will be blamed for bad policy, and not the Republican Party for the equally bad policies of John McCain.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for articulating just what I'm feeling as well.

    The guilt pressure is on all of us to vote for McCain, but I don't want to look back a year from now and feel hopeless remorse because I voted for big-government, free-trade loving, war-mongering, amnesty-pushing McCain.

    I'm voting for Bob Barr or Chuck Baldwin so my own conscience will be clear. If Obama wins, don't blame people like me who campaigned very hard for the sensible Republican candidates Huckabee and Paul.

    I'm tired of bailing out the GOP and their incompetent, inadequate candidates every eight years.

    This is the line in the sand for this conservative Republican.
