
Thursday, July 10, 2008

American Children Indoctrinated Against Their Will in Taliban-Backed Madrassa in Pakistan

Up to 80 Americans Instructed by Taliban
"Karachi Kids" Documentary Highlights Their Plight

A Muslim father, a taxi driver in Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States on a green card, flew his American born-boys against their will to Saudi Arabia, and then to the a radical, Taliban-backed Jamia Binoria madrassa in Karachi, Pakistan with instructions to the head master for his sons to memorize the entire Koran before returning to America. This is their story.

Children in the documentary film "The Karachi Kids" describe beatings and human rights violations for those who reject the radical teachings of their Taliban masters. Children from California and Georgia are interviewed in the film from inside the madrassa and discuss coming back to the United States to spread extremism within our borders.

The trailer of the documentary can be seen at

Film producer Imran Raza, a Southern California native, discovered the children and captures on film the hard-core Islamic indoctrination and radical transformation of these kids. "American children are being indoctrinated by a radical and violent Islamic sect," Raza said. "Kids as young as five live in an Islamic version of the walled compound of religious radicals with little contact with their parents or any information not allowed inside the walls," Raza said. "I hope release of 'The Karachi Kids' will help end the abuse and sever the pipeline between Jihadists who want war on the values of freedom and American children who are being trained to spread radicalism back home."

There are now, according to the founder of the madrassa, between 70 and 80 other American children at the Jamia Binoria madrassa - and more than 100 Americans have already graduated from this diet of 24/7 Koran.

Raza said "This is a not only personal tragedy for the children but a new and dangerous national security question." In a chilling interview for the documentary, the headmaster of the madrassa -- who visits the United States to personally recruit American children during Ramadan -- tells Raza: "We work on altering the mindset of the students we are training, so when they return to their home countries, their mindset is such that they will work on altering the minds of others. That is why I'm appealing to you that at least 1000 to 2000 boys come to us so we can train them.

1 comment:

  1. Political correctness even at the highest levels of the Bush administration has rendered us helpless against this kind of threat. Soon they will be as radicalized here as in the UK.
