
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Is Britain Dying?

Hat Tip to Gates of Vienna and Beer N Sandwiches for the following video showing the suicidal depravity of the multiculturalism and political correctness that are destroying Great Britain and other western nations. In Britain we see a nation that has lost the moorings of its Christian heritage, and forgotten its own rich history and the patrimony it has shared with the world.

Having had a maternal grandfather who was English, and having spent many beautiful summer days on the North Sea coast of Norfolk, it is shocking how quickly this disease of self-loathing and self-destruction has permeated British life. One would like to think that a new government would be enough to change the course of things. Unfortunately, the problem is not merely one of policy, but of spirit. Let us pray that God in His mercy will change hearts and save a nation that has given the world so much.

An eleventh century Archbishop of Canterbury offered a sure path for the people of his time and ours. In The Proslogian St. Anselm wrote:
I will seek you by desiring you, and desire you in seeking you.
I will find you by loving you, and love you in finding you.
I praise and give thanks to you that you have made me in your image,
so that I can remember you, think of you, love you,
But so darkened is your image in me by the smoke of my sins,
that it is useless unless you restore it.
I do not seek, O Lord, to search out your depths, but only in some measure to understand your truth, which my heart believes and loves.
I do not seek to understand so that I may believe, but believe that I may understand.
For this I know to be true: that unless I first believe I shall not understand.


  1. I can only presume you don't visit the UK that often, either that or you haven't made it off the broads of Norfolk. Either way, you have little experience of life in Britain. What's more the video you've posted is made by an American not British news agency, with a not so hidden agenda. So all in all it's probably better if you keep your narrow minded and faintly bigoted views to yourself. Thanks.

  2. I've been to Britain often enough to know that most British are quite a bit more wise and courteous than you are, Anonymous. But then your family probably didn't arrive with the Normans or before.

    As for expressing views you don't like, that is an unfettered right here in America. Two generations of Americans buried in Britain and France secured that right for us when they were also saving your necks.

  3. Okay fair enough, it is of course your right to express whatever opinion you may hold and I maybe should've worded my comment a little better.

    Bringing the world wars in to this seems a little un-necessary though.

    And as to you casting doubts over my heritage, I'm not going to dignify that with a response.

    I'd just like to know how you can justify talking about "this disease of self-loathing and self-destruction" that "has permeated British life". What experiences are you drawing upon to make this claim? Please tell me you're not basing your view on the mis-representative video you posted?

    All the best


  4. I would suggest, Joe, that one significant symptom of "self-loathing and self-destruction" is the decision to remove from your national curriculum towering figures of British history, like Sir Winston Churchill.

    Another symptom is the national embarrassment over major portions of British history, such as the British Empire. Britons seem unwilling to appreciate its role in spreading British conceptions about the rights of man, common law, habeas corpus, freedom and opportunity to millions around the globe.

    In what other nation are there negative connotations to flying the national flag? Are you unaware that when English families fly the Flag of England, St. George's Cross, or even the Union Jack, it is often considered "hate speech?"

    When the Archbishop of Canterbury suggests that a thousand years of British Common Law should now accommodate Sharia Law, does that not suggest an adequate appreciation for the accomplishments of your culture?

    When British students and young adults cannot name the figure commemorated in Trafalgar Square and know nothing about his accomplishments, does that not suggest a lack of appreciation for one's country.

    When your government and media will not even call by their proper name--radical, Islamic terrorists-- those who would kill you and destroy everything Britain stands for out of fear of offending them, and instead refers to them as Asians, does that not suggest a lack of concern for your culture and national survival?

    You have interpreted my comments as bigoted, but that is yet another symptom. My concerns are motivated by a considerable amount of love for Britain, my mother's family, for its history, culture, literature and traditions. Do you not even know where the name of my blog comes from? Indeed, I find much more love and appreciation for Britain among Americans generally, than I do among the British. I wish that were not so.

  5. To an outsider your argument may appear well constructed or even water tight. You raise many interesting points, it is therefore unfortunate that they are mainly based on misconceptions, misunderstanding and out right mistruths.

    On some of your thoughts;

    There has been some shame over flying the Union flag over the last 30 years, this was almost entirely because racist and right wing movements such as the National Front hijacked it as a symbol of hate. However, things have changed, the flag has been reclaimed as a symbol of pride. You should be here during sporting tournaments such as the football world cup or indeed the ongoing Olympics, when there is no shortage of flags flying from houses or every other car.

    Rowan Williams' comments on sharia law have been misquoted and manipulated by certain news organisations who want to suggest we'll be stoning people in the street. In fact he put forward progressive ideas on how best to integrate the culture of British Muslims in to the mainstream. A reasonable suggestion in my mind.

    In Britain the term 'Asian' is used for anyone from the Indian subcontinent. To suggest it is just a byword for 'Islamic Terrorist' is offensive. The over whelming majority of British Asians make a significantly positive contribution to our culture whether they be Muslim, Hindu or Sikh.

    I love my country and I believe you when you state that you love and admire Britain, but being able to quote our literature and countrymen does not mean that you understand the UK. Your comments are those of someone who is ignorant of true 21st century Britain.

  6. And here's another sad symptom, Joe:

  7. ...and another sad symptom here:
