
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Jesse Helms: A Man of Courage and Principle

Jesse Helms played a decisive role in the great social, political and foreign policy struggles during his thirty year career in the United States Senate.

A man of courage, conviction and integrity, he was the greatest champion of the conservative movement in Congress. When President Ford and Secretary Kissinger feared offending the Soviet Union by meeting with Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Jesse Helms rolled out the red carpet for him in the United States Senate. When others would compromise and avoid contentious battles, Jesse Helms stood on principle -- whether it was foreign aid, UN dues, third world tyrants, reforming the State Department, or opposing a bad ambassadorial nomination.
He paved the way for Ronald Reagan, and as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was a critical ally in applying the pressure that ultimately broke asunder the evil empire.

I had the privilege of working with Senator Helms many times during his thirty years in the United States Senate, but I first met him when he was first elected to the Senate and I was a student working in a U.S. Senate patronage job, running an elevator in the Senate wing of the Capitol. He treated the Senate elevator operators with the same gentlemanly kindness, respect and courtesy that he showed his Senate colleagues and foreign heads of state.

One always recognized his deep sense of mission and service to a cause far greater than himself.
The conservative movement and the nation have lost a great champion of liberty and constitutional principles. I extend my deepest sympathy to his family and all the dedicated people on his Senate staff that served him so well over the years.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord. And may perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace.

1 comment:

  1. May GOD bless the Helms family. Mr. Helms defended Life (as well as Conservative values) and the country itself.

