
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Legislation Introduced in Congress to Account for American Children in Radical Islamic Madrassas in Pakistan

Congress Responds to the Release of the "Karachi Kids" Documentary

In follow-up to our earlier posts regarding American children studying at radical Islamic madrassas in Pakistan, U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) has introduced legislation seeking an accounting of how many American children are being held in those institutions. H. Res. 1336 encourages "the United States Secretary of State to work with the government of Pakistan to secure the return to the United States of all American children being educated in madrassas in Pakistan."

The legislation was introduced as a response to the release of the film the "Karachi Kids," a documentary of American children in a Taliban-backed madrassa in Karachi, Pakistan. The former deputy director of counterterrorism at the FBI said the film also raised the "antennae of the FBI."

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