
Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Real Conservative Candidate is Gaining

Hat Tip to the excellent blog, GOP Catholics, which reports that "the real conservative candidate," Bob Barr, is polling above 5% in 19 states. In New Hampshire he is already drawing 10% of the vote. The polling data is from Zogby.

The following numbers will be even better when voters recognize that Barr is a Reaganite running against three dangerous liberals -- John McCain, Barack Hussein Obama, and Ralph Nader.

New Hampshire - 10%

Oklahoma - 9%

New Mexico - 9%

Nevada - 9%

Georgia - 8%

Colorado - 8%

Minnesota - 8%

Iowa - 8%

Arizona - 7%

Ohio - 7%

Indiana - 7%

Tennessee - 7%

Texas - 6%

Florida - 6%

Missouri - 6%

Oregon - 6%

Michigan - 6%

Maryland - 6%

South Carolina - 6%

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the plug for GOP Catholics, Dan!

    The four voting members of the Collorafi household will vote for Bob Barr in November!

    We will no longer support Republicans who are leading the primrose path to socialism, collectivism, and Orwellian statism.

    If we take McCain down now, perhaps
    a signal will be sent to our Republican masters that we mean business and they had better not shove another phony like McCain on us ever again.
