
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Columbia Conservative: "Pro-Life VP or Bust"

the Saddlebrook Church interview, Senator McCain made a good effort to mend fences
and bridge the distance he has created over the years from social and religious conservatives.

Unfortunately his close friend, Senator Lindsey Graham, has raised the possibility of a pro-abortion running mate. I posted the
response of many Michigan Republicans to that idea a few days ago.

In this regard, my friend Joshua Gross has an excellent post at
The Columbia Conservative about the possibility of a convention fight if McCain is foolish enough to defy pro-life Republicans.

I happen to think that with a zealous, national organization in place, Mick Huckabee would bring more to the ticket than any other candidate, but certainly most of the names that Josh Gross mentions would make for a strong Republican ticket.


Update: The American Family Association is currently conducting a poll on possible McCain running mates. The results are currently:

Who should McCain select as his running mate?

Gov. Bobby Jindal [LA] 386

Gov. Sarah Palin [AK] 446

Gov. Haley Barbour [MS] 58

Gov. Tim Pawlenty [MN] 172

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee [AR] 11,557

Sen. Lindsey Graham [SC] 64

Former Gov. Mitt Romney 5,176

Other 1,894

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