
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Recommendation for My Readers

'Piddingworth...where St. George's Cross is not yet banned.'
--Mark Steyn

Piddingworth, the Internet's gold standard for beautiful websites, has posted a photographic essay, "Compare & Contrast", that I know my readers will appreciate. I highly recommend it and all the many excellent features on that site.

1 comment:

  1. Daniel,
    You are far too generous in your kind praise for my website!
    Nevertheless, I very much appreciate your recommendation and I do hope that my PiddFriends will reciprocate by clicking on Sunlit Uplands for all the latest; as we do share a common mission united by an enduring faith and what should also be an enduring civilisation.
    A hat tip to you as well for the inspiration to post the 'compare & contrast' series. It came to me when I saw the photograph of 'Obama smoking' that you displayed on your site.
    PAX & Cheers!
