
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

British Muslims Offended by Christians Praying During Ramadan

A Christian group in Oxford has apologised to the city’s Muslims for having the audacity to organise a day of prayer during Ramadan. Oxfords Muslims found it ‘ill-conceived and insensitive’, not to mention ‘grossly insulting and inflammatory’.

The Muslim Education Centre of Oxford (MECO) has accused the Evangelical group ‘Open Doors UK’ of preaching ‘evangelical propaganda’.

Do not Muslims preach Islamic propaganda? Do the Christians in Oxford complain about this? Would the Muslims of Oxford apologise or even care if the Christians did complain about it?

But the greatest offence was taken because the Christians had dared to refer to their event as a ‘Call to Prayer’. Apparently, only Muslims may now use this term.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, you NEVER apologize to moslems or their fuckin' islam at ANY time. To hell with these damn ragheads. They don't think twice of imposing their fuckin' ramadam-a-ding-dong on the CHRISTIAN society. Fuck islam all to hell. If they want their damn islamism, they can piss off back to mecca where they belong.
