
Saturday, September 6, 2008

From Our Canadian Friends at Piddingworth


According to the 'official' feminists and their media mouthpieces, Sarah Palin, the Governor of Alaska and running-mate of John McCain in the American presidential election, is not an authentic' 'woman'. To quote the former campaign manager for the philandering John Edwards (no kidding), 'Governor Palin doesn't understand the needs of women'. Gloria Steinem has said that the only thing that Sarah Palin has in common with Hillary Clinton are her hormones. Thank goodness for that!

The left-wing are practitioners of 'GroupThink'. Instead of regarding individuals as persons in their own right, they lump every person into an ideological category that is based upon a selected human trait or condition. Each category is defined according to a prescribed collective history, characteristics, and status. Thus, there is for them a 'black community' to which all 'black people' belong because of the colour of their skin. There are, however, some exceptions to such membership. So, if you are Barack Obama, a thoroughgoing liberal, even if he is but half-black, he is a fully-fledged member and now a spokes'person' for the 'black community'. Robert Mugabe is black. Is he a member of that community? Clarence Thomas, the Justice of the US Supreme Court, is a black man, and unlike Mr. Obama, he is the descendant of slaves. Is he a member of the skin-selected community? No. As a conservative, his views counter those of GroupThink, and even with his pedigree, he is excluded from being an 'authentic' member. Like Condoleeza Rice, the brilliant US Secretary of State, also a descendant of slaves, Thomas has been referred to by some of the 'authentic' liberal members as an 'Oreo', i.e., like the famouse biscuit, he may have black skin but inside he's just like a white man. The left frequently resorts to dismissing people by calling them names. Engaging in ideas seems to be anathema to them.

Similarly, the most prominent and liberal brand of feminists reserve the true definition of a 'woman' as a female who believes in what that 'group' believes, i.e., permitting the killing of unborn and partially born children (euphamised as 'Choice'), government oversight of child-rearing (for those children who had the good fortune not to be aborted), e.g., Hillary Clinton's 'It Takes A Village'; the 'equality' of homosexuality with heterosexuality and the promotion of the same in school textbooks for young children; and any government programme that finances and advances their philosophy anywhere, including Africa. They love 'centralised' authority if it is liberal and even crypto-socialist. Governing, to the Left, is managing the lives of citizens according to GroupThink.

Women like the impressive Sarah Palin, are not true members of the 'Woman Community'. As the recent disgusting liberal rants against her and her family have shown, she is villified for having an orthodox Christian belief in the sacredness of human life, as well as a view of the world and of culture that reflects the importance of the 'individual' in their choices, their personal character, and manner of living. For Governor Palin, that includes fighting corruption, cutting waste of people's money, encouraging economic prosperity, being a 'hockey mum', hunting and even participating in a beauty contest.

She has been criticised for having been the Mayor of a small town and Governor of a state with a small population; even though Barack Obama, their hyped-up left-liberal hero, has been mayor and governor of nowhere. Indeed, the only thing he has run, with all his eloquence, is his campaign.

The left, especially the media, are even attacking her for having a yet-to-be-married 17 year old daughter who is five months pregnant.

If there was any doubt of the amorality of the media jackals' who are disgustingly feasting on Sarah Palin's family life, surely it is blatantly obvious now as they demonstrate the profound betrayal and vulgarity that has, in the past two decades, so overtaken their once-noble purpose. The paucity of fairness, integrity and balance has become predictably the norm. If there is any doubt of the left liberal loathing for women who embrace and live lives based upon the ancient foundation of faith and culture it has been made obvious.

There is no doubt that Sarah Palin was chosen by the legendary John McCain (who, unlike Obama, lacks the extensive experience of a 'community organiser') in part, because she is a woman; with the hope of attracting voters who would vote for her because she is a woman. But after Sarah Palin's remarks to the Republican Party on Wednesday evening, it is overwhelmingly obvious that the greatest reason he picked her is because of her personality, character, public record and personal beliefs; all of which came through brilliantly, with a mixture of wit, courage, determination, conviction and a common sense that reflects a knowledge of the common good and the legacy from which her country has been so blessed. Margaret Thatcher, also a woman, achieved her place in government and history because of who she was and what she believe in at the core. It is doubtful that many voted for her or her government because she was a female.

Joe Biden, her Democratic Party Vice-Presidential opponent has reportedly said that he thinks that Sarah Palin is 'a good looking woman'. Yes, indeed, she is. But the shallowness of the left, with it's dishonest obsession with race, gender, and sexual license does not apply to Sarah Palin...and they will increasingly discover as the election campaign continues that the ordinary citizen, by common sense, is drawn to a person more for who and what they are and stand for than what they look or sound like...or what 'group' they represent.

Sarah Palin is an inspiration and one can see it's magic as the enthusiasm for her and her heroic running-mate rapidly grows. Her femininity will add to the quality of her words and deeds and bring a fresh perspective to the issues of the day, but the simple fact of being 'female' in itself, is or ought to be, irrelevant.

One can easily respect and enjoy the sense of this wonderful and extraordinary woman!

If I was an American I would gladly support her and the old maverick John McCain.

Written and originally published by Piddingworth

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