
Friday, September 26, 2008

Obama Asked to Apologize For Calling Pro-Life Group Liars on His Abortion Vote


A leading pro-life organization has released a new web ad
asking Barack Obama to apologize for saying it lied about his abortion votes. Obama accused National Right to Life of lying when it released documents verifying he voted against medical care for newborns who survive abortions.

The dustup surrounds the votes Obama cast against bills in the Illinois legislature to make sure infants aren't left to die after they survive a failed abortion.

Obama voted against the bills, he says, because they would have violated Roe v. Wade, yet documents the National Right to Life Committee released weeks ago showed Obama opposed the measure even after supporting a successful amendment to limit its effect on Roe.

Those documents were supported by FactCheck, a nonpartisan research group at the University of Pennsylvania, yet Obama still hasn't apologized for calling NRLC officials liars.

The pro-life group told on Friday that it has released a new Internet ad asking him to do so.

"In August, National Right to Life released documents proving that, in 2003, Barack Obama was responsible for killing a bill to provide care and protection for babies who are born alive after abortions and that he later misrepresented the bill's content," a female narrator says.

The ad cites the Obama remark, when the candidate said about NRLC, "I hate to say that people are lying -- but here's a situation where folks are lying."

It cites the FactCheck analysis saying, "Obama's claim is wrong. The documents ... support the group's claims that Obama is misrepresenting the contents of [Senate Bill] 1082."

The NRLC PAC ad goes on to say, "Was Obama afraid that the public would learn about his extreme position -- that he opposed merely defining every baby born alive after an abortion as deserving of protection?"

"Will Obama now apologize for calling us liars when we were the ones telling the truth?"

The message concludes: "Barack Obama, a candidate whose word you can't believe in."

The ad is currently online at YouTube but there is a chance it could be used in a television commercial or a radio spot.


  1. I have a few thoughts I would like to share, on a couple of the important issues of our time. Namely the right to life and the doctrine of separation of church and state.
    First let me state that I have no children of my own. So some might say that since i don't have a dog in this race I have no standing or right to voice my opinion. That may be but I don't think so. When I joined the service I took an oath to defend this great nation against all enemies foriegn AND domestic (emphasis mine) . Since the right to choose is in direct conflict with the principles upon which this nation was founded, I do have the right, no, duty to speak out. In the declaration of independance the founding fathers in their wisdom stated that ALL men are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights (meaning they cannot be taken away by the laws of man) among these are the rights to LIFE liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is the first and most important of these that this essay is meant to address. Now you can argue that the unborn is not human until its born. I dont think that any person capable of critical thinking actually believes this. It betrays a certain amount of intellectual dishonesty on the part of our elected officials to assert any thing else. The majority of our officials claim to be Christians of one denomination or another, yet fully half of them go on to say in the same breath that they support a womens right to choose. That is their right, but lets be honest they are not Chistians. They pay lip service to Christ because they know if they told the truth that they are godless heathens they would'nt stand a snowballs chance in hell of getting elected dogcatcher let alone congressman or senator. If they truly are Christian they would believe that they're going to hell for supporting murder. Who would knowingly put their immortal soul in jeopardy for the sake of a few votes? I believe this is what the founders believed also. They cynically worship at the altar of political expediency. without the courage to stand up for what they know in their hearts is right. Namely that the time to choose is before conception, not after. Now onto the second point. the separation of church and state. first that is not the wording in the constitution which states that congress shall pass no law regarding the founding of religion. I believe thats an important distinction. That the fouders did not intend that we should be a godless nation is demonstrated by the fact that our most important documents make reference to God or the Creator. DeToqueville cautioned that unfettered democracy could lead to a tyranny of the Majority. I think he would be amused to see that exactly the opposite has happened. We have let ourselves come under a tyranny of the minority. A few voices have through incessant and unending dissent have convinced our lawmakers to pass law after law that do not reflect the will of the people. We are letting them ram the religion of Atheism down our throats, and make no mistake it is a religion as defined by a set of core beliefs. People we need to wake up and take back our nation. it is time to raise our voices louder than those who want to tear down our nation until it will no longer resemble the one we know and love
    Kekcltqvin Crabtree

  2. Someone with the unlikely name of "Kekcltqvin Crabtree" posted some really arrogant, self-righteous sentiments concerning abortion (see above post).

    It is really absurd and narrow-minded to assert that any woman who needs or gets an abortion is "GODLESS" or "non-Christian"! (By the way, nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus condemned abortion.)

    Why is it always MEN who try to dictate what a WOMAN should do with her reproductive organs?! That is what is really at play here, and no matter how you couch it in self-righteousness, the SEXISM and HYPOCRISY come through loud and clear.

    And WHY is it NEVER those same MEN who fault the FATHER who spawned the fetus in need of aborting????



    Regardless of underlying motivations, the fact is: Abortion is LEGAL in the U.S. and will stay that way. Your crocodile tears for someone else's aborted fetus will not change anything, except to keep on stoking the flames of hatred and bias and intolerance in America.

  3. Someone with the unlikely name of "Kekcltqvin Crabtree" posted some really arrogant, self-righteous sentiments concerning abortion (see above post).

    It is really absurd and narrow-minded to assert that any woman who needs or gets an abortion is "GODLESS" or "non-Christian"! (By the way, nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus condemned abortion.)

    Why is it always MEN who try to dictate what a WOMAN should do with her reproductive organs?! That is what is really at play here, and no matter how you couch it in self-righteousness, the SEXISM and HYPOCRISY come through loud and clear.

    And WHY is it NEVER those same MEN who fault the FATHER who spawned the fetus in need of aborting????



    Regardless of underlying motivations, the fact is: Abortion is LEGAL in the U.S. and will stay that way. Your crocodile tears for someone else's aborted fetus will not change anything, except to keep on stoking the flames of hatred and bias and intolerance in America.
