
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Barack Obama Is Not Natural Born Citizen -- Not Eligible for the Presidency

Barack Hussein Obama has teams of attorneys fighting a simple court order -- produce a birth certificate establishing that you are a natural-born citizen, and thus eligible to serve as President of the United States. Why does he not comply? Because he does not have a U.S. birth certificate.

In "October Surprise", Molotov Mitchell interviews the plaintiff in a stunning federal case against Barack Obama. The case is nothing short of electrifying, but the mainstream media is doing its best to keep Americans in the dark. Avoid the worst constitutional crisis this country has ever known and share this shocking video with everyone you know.


  1. John McCain was born in Panama.

  2. Natural born Citizen through his mother who was an american citizen
    no mention in constitution about anyone losing citizenship and being renaturalized.
    Obama was a natural born Citizen and constitutionally allowed to be president regardless of all this BS in this video

  3. Yes he was--to American parents and a father who was in the US military. There have been several litigations which have attempted to prove he is not qualified as a natural born US citizen--and all have lost!

  4. Yeah, and both of John McCain's parents were US citizens and his father was serving in the US military in Panama when he was born. And he has produced his real birth certificate. So your point is what?

  5. You can't make substantive arguments against Obama, so you come up with this nonsense?

    What happen to the critique of general lack of experience and foreign policy issues?

    Oh, wait, can't use that because Palin is on the GOP ticket.

  6. well, 'anonymous', we can call him out on all those things, plus his ties to a 'natural born' terrorist, and his unconditional support for killing pre and post born babies - a large percent of which happen to be black . All of it adds up to a disgustingly poor choice for president.

  7. I think this video is great because I want to klnow the truth about barack Obama and so does the country. If Obama is lyong to us we deserve to know

  8. This is pure lunacy. You can lie to yourselves all you want, but don't expect intelligent people to believe you. Find a hobby. Buy a dog. Visit your relatives. Do something besides posting flat-out lies.

  9. If it is a lie why will he not produce his birth certificate???

  10. He did produce it. He was born in hawaii.

    See all about it here:

    or from someone other than Obama:

  11. even though more than half of maerica doesnt care about america and its foundations thank goodness the founding fathers created these laws to protect the few remaining true americans against liars and cheats like obama

  12. To be completely sure Obama was born in Hawaii we need to see the "certificate of live birth" from the hospital and signed by the delivering physician. Obama could clear all this up if he would just produce that document.

  13. 1st of all... children of "military" parents born on U.S. bases overseas are entitled to U.S. citizen rights and Panama was a U.S. base when McCain was born. Thus, he is entitled to U.S. citizen rights. 2nd: McCain provided proof to whomever wanted to see his birth certificate & obama? tell it to the judge -or- does obama think he is above our U.S. laws?

  14. Go to this link.

    READ the Case.


  15. Obama is not qualified for president even if he was "natural born" there are clear records showing that he left the country to go to Indonesia (which was in war at the time and did not allow dual citizen-ship) To enroll in school, he would have to be a citizen of Indonesia, therefore forfeiting his US citizenship IF he even had one. He returned to the US and would be a naturalIZED citizen, (no give-back of citizenship) dis-qualifying Obama for president.

  16. Why not send someone in there with the birth certificate and it’s over? Why fight to dismiss? Why not just procure the document????

  17. anonynut spews " even though more than half of maerica doesnt care about america and its foundations thank goodness the founding fathers created these laws to protect the few remaining true americans against liars and cheats like obama"

    The Founding Fathers said that Obama should be a slave. That's obviously what you want. All black people to be your slaves.

    Because you are so lazy and stupid you don't want to work.

    (Wow this AntiAmerican hater hates "more than half" of Americans. It is thus HIM who hates America! What a nut!

  18. What about the other nationalities in America? Get over the black and white fight. He's not even full "African." Don't forget about the other colors of skin too. They're human and important in this election too.

    As far as assuuuuuuming that the other blogger wants "slaves" - get over yourself - that war is over. (And Has everyone forgotten about the Indians that owned this land in the first place?!)

    Anyway, I go back to the subject that got sadly IGNORED. I do NOT want a man that is FOR killing babies in the womb. That's just sick. And that's that. I'd like to see Mr. A. blogger sit in a room where an abortion is taking place and watch as sommething is being stabbed into a baby's brains and watch as the brains are being sucked out . . . . So, you want a president who agrees to this? Hmmmmm.

    My thought is the citizen biz is important, but anybody that is up for presidency will be scrutinized and found "guilty" on something, so I say both major nominees have problems! So do I and so do you all. It's about who is capable to run this country. Not who is popular.


    Press Release: Obama & DNC admit all allegations in Berg v. Obama
    Tuesday, 21 October 2008 11:05 administrator Obama & DNC Admit All Allegations of Federal Court Lawsuit - Obama’s “Not” Qualified to be President
    Obama Should Immediately Withdraw his Candidacy for President
    For Immediate Release: - 10/21/08 - Complete contact details and pdfs of this press release and motions filed by plaintiff Berg today are at the end of this article

  20. In what sense is Obama-Soetoro an African-American? His blackness is almost an accident, as his father had no roots here. Obama's ancestors didn't share the experience of American blacks. Obama,besides not being a natural-born American, is a fraudulent African-American. I think should we be unfortunate enough to see this sleeper elected, white people will understand what the South went through under the Carpetbaggers.

  21. It doesn't matter that McCain was born in Panama. According to the laws of 1936, he's a born American citizen. Both of his parents were citizens, and both of them had lived in America prior to his birth.
    According to the laws of 1961, Obama is NOT a natural born citizen if he was born in Kenya. Only one of Obama's parents was an American citizen, and that makes all the difference.
    Obama's grandmother has stated that Barack was born in Kenya, and Obama can't produce a birth certificate. Therefore, Obama is constitutionally ineligible to serve as President.

  22. Obama produced a certificate of live birth, not a birth certificate. He has not proven that he's a born U.S. citizen, and he's being sued by a DEMOCRAT, not a right wing crank.

  23. He wont produce the document because it is an acknowledgment that this bald faced lie be taken seriously. Take a lesson Earl Warren...ignore the crazies.

  24. His Grandmother stated she was there when he was born in KENYA. The hawaiin certificates produced earlier were not certified. His father was not a US cit, and his mothers age at the time of birth does not qualify him either. Of course this story will never make it to the majority of the American public, a la MSNBC and CNN.

  25. Obama was born in Kenya and will not be sworn in.

  26. BO should be held to the same "burden of proof" and vetting process that the other three candidates have released and/or provided. All he needs to do is release access to his school and medical records and supply an official birth certificate, if he would, all questions/concerns will stop.

    "ignore the crazies"? anyone not interested in knowing the facts is not only dangerous . . . they're ignorant!!! Woner what this (your) perfect candidate is hiding?

  27. Well To me It seems silly gossip n That You all consider somthing to Blog n Waste your energy on Cause Mr Big SHot attourneys are Trying to Give Obama A hard time. I support OBAMA n I bet you could not work in the places he did WITHOUT a Birth certificate being on file with extensive research even for Those Jobs... Seriously,We are all sick of this beurocrocy I can't spell N I Think It's Doubt n Fear that Runs this whole debate.. We will see.

  28. obama was born in The Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombasa in Kenya at 7:24pm on August 4th 1961. He is also a duel citizen of Indonesia.His Mother did not stay in the U.S. for 5 years after the age of 14 which is a requirement for making your baby a U.S. citizen, therefore OBAMA IS NOT A U.S. CITIZEN!

  29. For all the dumb people out there a U.S. military base is considered sovereign U.S. soil. Try being in another country and bringing drugs onto a base, it is considered trafficking drugs from one country (the host) into the U.S.. It is also in the UCMJ that children born to U.S. citizens deployed overseas by the government are natural U.S. citizens.

    There are 3 questions about Obama's citizenship leaving out the whole hawaii kenya birth debate. Although if he was born in Kenya this really wouldn't matter.
    1. Due to the fact that his father was not a citizen his mother would have to have been 21 when he was born to have been a natural born citizen, otherwise he would have to be a naturalized born citizen. Thats if she had him naturalized in the first place.
    2. Was he ever a citizen of Indonesia, and if so did he ever re-apply for U.S. citizenship.
    3. Did he ever have dual citizenship? if so he would be a naturalized citizen not a naural born citizen.

    I guess no matter what, the law is pretty clear about having 1 parent that is not a U.S. citizen. They must have been a citizen for 10 years, 5 of which must be after the age of 16 at the time of birth. Meaning the parent must be 21 for the child to be a natural born citizen. If not the child can be naturalized when the parent that is a U.S. citizen reaches 21.
    however, again a natrualized citizen cannot be President.

  30. what has happened in this case? has he ever proven he has a birth cerificate?

  31. Lets see. Obama isn't really qualified to be president of the U.S. but both Clinton and McCain campaigns didn't bring it up or have anything done to have him disqualified. Yeah right! McCain tried every low-life trick in the book to make people not want to vote for Obama, but he wouldn't use a completely legitimate means of beating him? Un HUH!!! Obama was born in Hawaii when it was a state. The birth certificate has been validated by impartial experts. There are news paper records of his birth. On top of that, if either of your parents is a U.S. citizen you are a U.S. citizen unless certain other conditions are not met. The conditions the people list above are not ones that would invalidate him as citizen. There are a whole host of reliable sites that have those conditions listed, if anybody really feels you need to check them out yourself.

  32. 1) The State of Hawaii has confirmed they hold a valid copy of President-elect Obama's birth certificate in their files.

    2) If you look at the pictures FactCheck posted, you will clearly see an official embossed seal from the state of Hawaii and a date stamp.

    3) In the lawsuits where Sen. McCain's citizenship was challenged, the lawsuits were dismissed without Sen. McCain submitting a certified copy of his birth certificate into the court record.

    4) Berg cites the Nationality Act of 1940, Section 317(b) to support his claim that Stanley Ann Durham lost her US citizenship as a result of marrying Lolo Soetoro and moving to Indonesia. In reality, the Nationality Act of 1940, Section 317(b) says:
    "From and after the effective date of this Act, a woman, who was a citizen of the United States at birth, and who has or is believed to have lost her United States citizenship solely by reason of her marriage prior to September 22, 1922, to an alien, and whose marital status with such alien has or shall have terminated, if no other nationality was acquired by affirmative act other than such marriage,shall, from and after the taking of the oath of allegiance prescribed by subsection (b) of section 335 of this Act, be deemed to be a citizen of the United States to the same extent as though her marriage to said alien had taken place on or after September 22, 1922"

    In other words, that section applies if the US citizen married the foreign national before 1922. Berg says that Stanley Ann Durham married Lolo Soetoro in 1967, 45 years after the cutoff. Therefore, this law does not apply to the Dunham-Soetoro marriage, and Stanley Ann Dunham retained her US citizenship after marriage in the eyes of US law, which is what applies in this case.

    5) Berg cites the Nationality Act of 1940, Sections 401 and 407, to claim that Stanley Ann Dunham's marriage to Lolo Soetoro also resulted in Barack Obama losing his US citizenship. This is also incorrect. Section 401 states:
    “A person who is a national of the United States, whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by: (a) Obtaining naturalization in a foreign state, either upon his own application or through the naturalization of a parent having legal custody of such person: Provided, however, That nationality not be lost as the result of the naturalization of a parent unless and until the child shall have attained the age of twenty-three years without acquiring permanent residence in the United States:........"

    Section 407 states:
    “A person having American nationality, who is a minor and is residing in a foreign state with or under the legal custody of a parent who loses American nationality under section 404 of this Act, shall at the same time lose his American nationality if such minor has or acquires the nationality of such foreign state: Provided, That, in such case, American nationality shall not be lost as the result of loss of American nationality by the parent unless and until the child attains the age of twenty-three years without having acquired permanent residence in the United States.”
    In addition, these provisions were amended by the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act, Title III, Chapter 3, which would have been in effect when Barack Obama moved to Indonesia and later returned to the US. Section 349(a) states:
    “From and after the effective date of this Act a person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by -- (1) obtaining naturalization in a foreign state upon his own application, upon an application filed in his behalf by a parent, or duly authorized agent, or through the naturalization of a parent having legal custody of such person: Provided, That nationality shall not be lost by any person under this section as the result of the naturalization of a parent or parents while such person is under the age of twenty-one years, or as the result of naturalization obtained on behalf of a person under twenty-one years of age by a parent, guardian, or duly authorized agent, unless such person shall fail to enter the United States to establish a permanent residence prior to his twenty-fifth birthday: ....”

    Section 355 states:
    “A person having United States nationality, who is under the age of twenty-one and whose residence is in a foreign state with or under the legal custody of a parent who hereafter loses United States nationality under section 350 or 352 of this title, shall also lose his United States nationality if such person has or acquires the nationality of such foreign state: Provided, That, in such case, United States nationality shall not be lost as the result of loss of United States nationality by the parent unless and until the person attains the age of twenty-five years without having established his residence in the United States.”

    The law in this case is very clear, and actually shows Berg to be incorrect in his belief.

  33. Obama ia a US citizen but not a natural born citizen per US Constitution.

    In 1758, a treatise was written by Emerich de Vattel called The Law of Nations. In clause 212 Citizens and Natives it states, "The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents [plural] who are citizens." The Law of Nations was widely read by the founding fathers and the definition of "natural born citizen" contained therein was the meaning commonly understood at the time our Constitution was written.

    Here is the actual text of that passage:

    212. Citizens and natives.
    The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.

  34. Even though this is a dated ( old ) posting , I can clearly see here that NoBody has even mentioned the most vital ( Only ) point , the actual U.S. Constitution's definition of " Being born to parents not owing any forien alligance "
    Obama's dad was not a U.S citizen , therefore Obama is Ilegally holding America Hostage , If you wish to debate me , first read the rules ( ie ) The U.S. Constitution , It is only a matter of time before Obama is removed
