
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bob Conley to Debate Grahamnesty on Saturday

Bob Conley, who is "charging hard and closing in" on victory in his U.S. Senate race, will be debating John McCain's "personal valet and bag boy" on Saturday at 8 P.M. on C-Span. Bob Conley offers South Carolina the opportunity to have two representatives in the United States Senate, rather than subsidizing the third Senator from Massachusetts.

Bob is committed to:
  • Outlaw lobbying in Washington by banking and finance firms
  • Stop market-distorting bailouts
  • Put strict leverage limits on all financial institutions
  • Revise “mark to market” accounting rules
  • Limit the size of financial firms so they can never be “too big to fail”
  • Reinstate the separation of banking, insurance and brokerage
  • Mandate transparency among banks to remove trust barriers
  • Roll back government policies that encourage mortgages for those who can’t afford them
  • Prohibit congressional earmarks, wasteful spending, and no-bid contracts
  • Correct massive trade imbalances
Here he joins Jerry Hughes on ARN's Straight Talk to discuss his campaign, his conservatism, and his concerns about the future of South Carolina. Bob is a movement conservative who will work with Senator Jim DeMint, rather than canceling out his vote.

Please check out Bob Conley's website and help this good man become South Carolina's next United States Senator.

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