
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell: General Paper Mache'

Colin Powell's entire career owes everything to the good will and generosity of four Republican presidents. He may say that his endorsement of Barack Hussein Obama is not about race, but his rise through the ranks to the most senior of administration positions clearly was.

He suggests that his endorsement of Obama is motivated by a concern over Supreme Court nominations and the inexperience of Governor Sarah Palin. We all knew that the General is a Rockefeller Republican and a consummate Washington insider, but his knock against Governor Palin is inappropriate, ungentlemanly, and coming from one whose service will be remembered for lying to the world community, grossly hypocritical.
Unlike Governor Palin, General Powell spent his entire career hanging from his sources of power. His rise and the positions he held were entirely dependent on the good will of those above him.

Governor Palin stands on her base of power. She was willing to do something Powell, for whatever reasons, has been unwilling to do -- subject herself to the American electorate. As both a Mayor and a Governor, she has been handily elected, and her 80%+ approval rating is based on a "take no prisoners" record of accomplishment.

Despite all the helping hands General Powell has received along the way, today he reverted to the role in which he is apparently most comfortable -- political hack. And since he claims that he won't bother to campaign for Obama, he even lacks the courage of his convictions. He is truly a paper mache' general.


  1. As I read elsewhere, it is simply pigmentation over principle.

    Since being appointed as Bush's Secretary of State, Powell's "service' has been disappointing, no surprise that he jumps on board with his 'Homey.'

  2. Nice try. General Powell is widely respected and this endorsement was sought by both camps. Your "Homey" comment is pretty sad. Get with the 21st century.

  3. If Sarah Palin was black and Obama white. we know the answer.

    Governor Plain is of the same generation as Obama.

  4. It's amazing to me that Colin Powell has not decided to support a true American hero, but rather a gentleman with a paper-thin resume and a long history of aligning himself with folks that hate this country (such as Willaim Ayers, Rev. Wright, Rev. Flager, etc.). As Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King said; we should judge a person not on the color of his skin, but on the content of his character. This is where Gerneal Powell got it wrong.
