
Saturday, October 25, 2008

French Accuse the English of War Crimes

On what was historically St. Crispin's Day, 593 years ago today, 150,000 French were defeated by 6,000 English at Agincourt, France. The great battle was commemorated in Shakespeare's immortal history play, Henry V.

But if you can't win a war, you can always revise the history. So nearly 600 years after the battle, revisionist historians from all over France will gather at the historic battlefield for a conference that will:
"suggest that the extent of the feat of arms was massively exaggerated, with claims that the English were hugely outnumbered a lie. More controversially still, they will say that the foreign invaders used numerous underhand tactics against an honourable enemy."
The Telegraph has the story of today's conference of revisionist French historians.

Too bad we'll miss the conference in 2538 that explains France's glorious role in the liberation of Europe from Nazi tyranny.

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