
Sunday, October 12, 2008

"Liberal" Outrage: A Pro-McCain March In Manhattan

A Pro-McCain march on the Upper West Side in Manhattan on Sunday, September 21, 2008. A group of McCain-Palin supporters dare to march through the Upper West Side - infidels in the "liberal" Mecca. Local "progressives" boo, jeer, and flip fingers at them with a rage they never display even to this country's enemies.

See for yourself the Obama supporters' liberal-minded tolerance, the attitudes that academe has implanted about each finding one's own truth, their openness, and consideration of other points of view.

Would New Yorkers greet a parade of Islamist terrorists this way? Imagine what America would become were these "liberal" fascists to control the levers of government. Perhaps this is what their leader, "the Anointed One," meant when he commanded his followers to "get in their faces."

Perhaps some of the lefty bloggers can explain this; there seem to be some wanna-be Gauleiters among them.

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