
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama Campaign Attempts $3 Million Bribe to Suppress Michelle Obama Tape

African Press International

Six hours after the release of information by API on the planned broadcast by Fox News Network of the Michelle Obama tape, in accordance with an agreement that has been reached between API and Fox News Network, API was contacted by Obama’s Campaign Manager.

Those who are close to the democratic presidential candidate must be desperate to win the elections no matter what, otherwise they would not have taken such bold step to contact API with an offer of a bribe in order to stop the airing of the tape.

Obama’s campaign manager contacted API by telephone and email offering 3 million US dollars followed with a request to API to cancel the deal with Fox News Network.

Ten days ago API received the first request to accept 2 million US dollars by Mr Ed Hale, President of Plains Radio, Texas - USA, in an effort to suppress the information from reaching the public before the coming US Presidential elections.

API has now taken a decision to contact the American Embassy in Oslo, Norway as soon as possible in order to report the matter and hand over the evidence for investigative purposes.

API’s Canadian lawyer is expected to fly to Oslo shortly in order to assist in the legal matters that arise from the bribery attempt.

API’s Chief editor is expected to travel to New York, together with the Canadian lawyer, where he will appear live in one of the shows that will air the Michelle Obama tape.


  1. What do you think of all of this Dan? This has been going on a long time now and nothing has been shown or heard.

  2. According to the following item posted today, the agreement with FOX News has just been concluded and the airing could be any day now:

    I have read that unlike the tapes the LA Times are holding, where she rants about "whitey," this conversation reveals Obama's radical foreign policy goals. Apparently, he will use his Marxist cousin, Raila Odinga, PM of Kenya, to help realign US alliances with N. Korea, Venezuela, and Iran. The conversation could be pretty devastating.

    BTW, Jeanette,'s new look is fantastic! Very well done.

  3. Thanks for getting back, Dan, and thanks for the site compliment. Cathlete still looks rough on Mozilla, but maybe I can eventually figure that out?!?

    But regarding this tape, you then believe that this organization is legitimate? I'm hoping it is, but I have some doubts.
