
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ohio Will Not Allow Election To Be Stolen

Ohio, the state where one man registered to vote 73 times, has decided they will not allow this election to be stolen. The AP reports:
Associated Press

CINCINNATI -- A federal appeals court has ordered Ohio's top elections official to set up a system by Friday to verify new voters' eligibility.

The full 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati has upheld an earlier ruling that Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner has to use other government records to check the thousands of new voters for registration fraud. A three-judge panel of the 6th Circuit had disagreed last week, but the full court's ruling trumps the panel's decision.

Ohio Republicans sued Brunner, a Democrat.

Ohio GOP Chairman Bob Bennett calls the ruling a victory for the election's integrity.
A spokesman for Brunner could not immediately be reached for comment. Brunner previously said there was no way to set up the system with such speed.

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