
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Senator Graham's Words Come Back To Haunt Him: Conley Endorsed by ALIPAC

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, one of the leading national grassroots organizations fighting against Amnesty and for more immigration enforcement, has endorsed South Carolina's Bob Conley for US Senate and intends to launch TV and Radio commercials that highlight Senator Lindsey Graham's offensive comments made in a speech to the National Council of La Raza (NCLR).

"Lindsey Graham has been the Republican with the worst stance on immigration issues in the US Senate," said William Gheen. "Any American who is concerned about illegal immigration should vote against Graham and be offended by his comments. Our TV and radio commercials will allow South Carolinians to hear the speech Graham would rather conceal from them."

In March of 2007, Senator Lindsey Graham made a speech before the National Council of 'La Raza' (English Translation: The Race), where he was receiving an award for his support for Comprehensive Immigration Reform AMNESTY for illegal aliens. In his speech, he called Americans who opposed his legislation "Bigots" and announced that American citizens had no right to govern immigration laws as mandated to their elected representatives in Congress by the US Constitution. Lindsey Graham also praises his leader on immigration issues... Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA).

The TV and radio ads ALIPAC intends to launch next week will contain the following quotes from Senator Graham, while encouraging voters to visit to review the entire clip.

"An American is an idea. No group owns being an American. Nobody owns this.... I don't do this much but I want to thank Ted Kennedy (laughter)... We are not going to run people down, we are not going to scapegoat people, we are going to tell the bigots to shut up..."

Bob Conley is being endorsed by ALIPAC because he has promised to oppose Amnesty in any form for illegal aliens and to support more immigration enforcement and border security. Senator Graham has received a deplorable grade of 'D' at

"We have a case in South Carolina, where Bob Conley better represents the over 80% of voters who prefer enforcement over amnesty," said Gheen. "Lindsey Graham supports Amnesty over enforcement of our existing immigration laws and his own words are about to come back to haunt him."

ALIPAC is a multi-ethnic national organization, founded on 9/11/2004, with over 25,000 supporters representing all 50 states. The organization appears regularly on FOX, CNN, MSNBC, and CBC and is supported by many LEGAL immigrants who favor the reversal of illegal immigration in America through the humane and non racist enforcement of our existing immigration laws. For more information, please visit

Lindsey Graham's ENTIRE sellout speech to La Raza follows:

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