
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The "New McCain" is a Big Improvement

Who was that man and what has he done with John McCain?

Tonight's debate was unquestionably John McCain's finest performance. He put away the hackneyed "reaching across the aisle" rhetoric and replaced it with a vigorous defense of principle. At long last we heard "straight talk" -- truth -- about the character and judgment of his opponent. It was the kind of offense for which McCain-Palin crowds have been literally begging, and it was refreshing.

He was on top of the issues -- his health care plan and that of his opponent. He showed passion when speaking about the life issues and education. And the Freudian slip, when he called Obama "Senator Government," was the most memorable line and the icing on the cake.

Whether it was too little-too late remains to be seen, but my guess is that McCain will get a bounce from tonight's debate.

This, finally, was a McCain that Republican conservatives can enthusiastically support. Let's see and hear much more of this "new McCain."


  1. Agree. I'm a lifelong (56 today!) Dem, voting Republican for the first time, and McCain's solid performance in tonight's debate was the best birthday gift I could have received. Although yes, it may be too little, too late, I was so very impressed by his confidence on, and knowledge of, the issues. I also felt "vindicated" that he fearlessly brought up those very issues which turned me away from Obama in the first place. A specific "Bravo!" moment was McCain's mention of ACORN.

    I fervently hope others feel the same way about Senator McCain and will make their voices "heard."

  2. As someone who did not vote for either Bush men as president, I have to state how excited I am to vote for Sen. John McCain.

    Sen. McCain won this debate hands down.

    I watched it twice. Obama appeared inexperienced and uninformed.


    When McCain was talking about Columbia trade, he was very knowledgeable, and obviously has some decent plans in mind.

    Obama, on the other hand, was so inexperienced and uninformed he tried to "uh uh" his way at first, gave up, tried changing the subject and then started to talk about the Big Three in Detroit, MI. Obama seemed lost.


    I think everyone might agree (at least McCain voters will) that the quote of the night was stated by Sen. McCain when he told, Obama in so many words, "If you wanted to run so badly against President Bush, you should have campaigned against him four years ago. I am not Bush."

    Sen. John McCain was strong, experienced, knowledgeable, and humble in his presentation at this last debate.

  3. McCain showed a lot of passion in tonight's debate. He explained his positions clearly and made his case. McCain is a leader, Obama is an administrator. McCain has great courage and will take a stand. Obama is uncertain and will convene a committee to seek a consensus, then act. Who knows, he may vote "present" to avoid making a decision!

  4. The polls of independent voters taken after the debates certainly seem to indicate the 'new mccain' is the same prepostorous loon as the 'old mccain.'

  5. While McCain's performance appealed to Conservatives it had the opposite effect on Independents, a group McCain desperately needs to win back to make a dent in Obama's lead. Instead he chased them away further. That leads me to believe that McCain will probably not see any improvement in his poll standings over the next week from this debate.

    3 poll reactions from Independents:


    Best Job in Debate
    McCain: 31 percent
    Obama: 58 percent

    Obama Favorables

    Favorable: 63 percent before debate --> 66 percent after debate
    Unfavorable: 35 percent before debate --> 33 percent after debate

    McCain Favorables

    Favorable: 51 percent before debate --> 49 percent after debate
    Unfavorable: 45 percent before debate --> 49 percent after debate

    The above numbers are triggered by the Indie numbers in this poll:

    Best job in debate:

    Independents 57%, McCain 31%



    Who do you think won the debate?


    Obama 60%, McCain 30%


    McCain 70%, Obama 18%


    Obama 81%, McCain 10%

    CBS: Obama wins 53-22 among independents.


    Now, clearly McCain resonated with conservative Republicans tonight. They wanted sparks to fly. However, typically Independents don't like it, they don't want personal attacks. That shows in all the polling.

    McCain had a thankless task. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Whichever way he chose, it would have turned off one of the two groups. He chose to go with his base over Independents, probably a smart political move.

  6. Saint Obama grows smaller the closer we approach him and find out the truth that CNN & MSNBC cable news pundits can’t seem to find or report? Obama is an empty suit. From the day he was sworn in to the Senate to the date he declared his run for the presidency, is only 145 days on the job. He has literally no experience. (Not figuratively, literally!) He's not qualified to run a Dairy Queen. No longer can Americans trust the media, which was given special constitutional privileges to look out for the folks. Obama was AWFUL as usual in the debate! Obama was no more than his usual bumbling, grunting, lost in thought, no nothing. Senator John McCain absolutely owned the final Presidential Aspirant debate this evening. It was a complete rout in favor of John McCain. Senator Barack Hussein Obama was not only schooled and spanked, he might as well had never shown up. I saw it in his body language and he even began copying the McCain Smirk. John McCain was all Presidential while Barack Obama was like the small child on the knee of a Great Sage. And, another thing...what is with the Barack "graying of the temples"? He didn't have that yesterday and he sure didn't have it earlier in the day today. Was someone trying to make him look older and wiser? If so, it didn't work. Clearly, McCain won this debate overwhelmingly this was all planned by Senator John McCain to unload on the enemy. It was brilliantly executed. A vote for Obama is a vote for the beginning of the END OF OUR GREAT BUT TROUBLED COUNTRY!

    "I think he can be ready, but right now I don't believe he is," Biden said in 2007. "The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training." In debate among Democratic hopefuls, moderator George Stephanopoulos pressed Biden whether he stood by a recent quote. Biden said, "I stand by that statement."

  7. So you mean Mc Cain's ready to lead! it seems you strongly believe he won the last debate despite reports to the contrary. Hey folks,Mc Cain can only spit out some GOP rethoric extracted from thin air...a kind of pyrric victory to tell the true.His opponent is a smart one,a clever one,much in touch with tough issues the american people have to deal with these days. The neocons wanted to demonize him but they failed...Obviously.

  8. anonymous:

    "Clearly, McCain won this debate overwhelmingly this was all planned by Senator John McCain to unload on the enemy. It was brilliantly executed."

    CLEARLY he did well with Conservatives. But that is not the country. McCain flopped with Democrats and Independents, and together those two groups happen to make up a much bigger voting block than Conservatives.

    " A vote for Obama is a vote for the beginning of the END OF OUR GREAT BUT TROUBLED COUNTRY!"

    Thanks to the last 8 years this country HAS GONE DOWN THE TUBES ALREADY. Bush has ushered in the worst deficits and largest debt we ever had, we are in a crisis as a country (financial, housing, auto industry, etc.) not seen since 29. We HAVE seen the end of an era, but here is hoping we can start rebuilding now. Note how McCain ran away from Bush last night. Obama will have microscopically small shoes to fill.
