
Friday, November 14, 2008

ABC Radio Networks and Governor Mike Huckabee to Launch The Huckabee Report

A few of us may remember that after Ronald Reagan came close to capturing the Republican nomination from an incumbent Republican President, Gerald Ford, he began a series of nationally syndicated radio commentaries. We now know that those thoughtful essays spelling out his vision for freedom, limited government and economic opportunity were entirely his own work, written in his own hand. And they were critical in building a national network of supporters who shared his hopeful, conservative vision for America.

Now, in addition to his highly rated Fox News program, Governor Mike Huckabee has signed with ABC Radio Networks to do similar commentaries. According to ABC, "The Huckabee Report will be broadcast weekday mornings and afternoons and provide listeners with the top news stories of the day while also drawing on Huckabee’s experiences as a former governor and presidential candidate. The short form news features will launch on January 5, 2009."

“My first job at the age of 14 was reading the early morning news, sports, weather and
even commercials at our local radio station, so in a sense, this is an opportunity for me to return to my roots,” said Governor Huckabee. “I worked my way through high school and college in radio and loved every minute of it. The team at ABC Radio Networks has a stellar reputation for syndicating news programming and I’m pleased that I’ll be partnering with them as I reach out to Americans across the airwaves.”

ABC Radio Networks has 4,400 affiliate radio stations reaching more than 105 million listeners each week.


  1. Go Gov. Mike. Keep on telling the truth and spreading reality around.

  2. I worked for Huckabee in 2007/8, and I hope to agian in 2012.

    In that first run he was handicapped by lack of recognition and lack of money. Moves like this will get him geater recognition - and consequently money.

    I like his positive, upbeat approach: Vertical Politics. If the next four years are as I fear they might be, the people might be looking for something more encouraging in 2012.
