
Monday, November 3, 2008

Code Words for the Base?

Or do all the comrades speak like this?

"I feel like we got a righteous wind at our backs here, but we’re going to have to work. We’re going to have to struggle. We’re going to have to fight"

"The ill wind of opportunism is falling, the righteous wind of socialism is on the rise.By the end of this year the victory of socialism will be greatly assured. Naturally there will be many struggles ahead and we must struggle hard.'

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we actually all try to work "righteous wind" into every sentence we can. We also check our Little Red Book for other phrases to pepper our conversation with.

    You know, I'm sure Adolph Hitler ocassionally began a sentence with, "Meine freunde," but that doesn't make John McCain a Nazi!
