
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Democrat Education PAC Challenges Unions' Stranglehold

Albert Shanker, the legendary former leader of the American Federation of Teachers, famously stated that he would represent the interests of students when children begin paying union dues. And for decades the Democrat Party has championed the interests of education providers - teacher tenure, curricula light on content but heavy on liberal, social indoctrination, union contracts that pay the good and the unqualified equally and free teachers from accountability for results.

Now Democrats like Senator Mary Landrieu, New York Governor David Patterson, and Newark Mayor Cory Booker are beginning to challenge the unions' stranglehold on their party. A new PAC is giving voice to the less organized but traditional Democrat Party constituency groups that actually care about students and their academic success. Education Week reports the David vs. Goliath story:

Democrat Education PAC Hopes for Its Moment Under Obama

By Alyson Klein

For years, the teachers’ unions were the key players in the political money game to help further education policy objectives.

But since its inception in 2005, Democrats for Education Reform, a political action committee based in New York City, has sought to use campaign donations to smooth the way for policies such as expanding charter schools and differential pay for teachers that are sometimes opposed by traditional Democratic constituencies.

Now the group, which helped raise about $2 million for Democratic candidates for president, Congress, and state offices during this year’s elections, is seeking to put its stamp on the presidential transition, suggesting legislative priorities, and floating potential hires for core education positions.

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