
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Homosexuals' Tyrannical Agenda

After scores of municipalities, counties and states have overwhelmingly rejected the radical homosexual agenda, it is becoming clear that the movement is about much more than recognizing “gay marriage.”

The fascist attacks on Christians in San Francisco, Michigan and elsewhere demonstrates that they seek to silence free speech. The vehicle of choice is so called “hate crimes” legislation. Such “hate crimes” may involve preaching of the gospel, condemning sodomy from a pulpit, or writing a blog post or letter to the editor. Such legislation, recently passed in Colorado, may even prevent the publication and sale of the Bible in that state.

Canada and Europe give us a good view of where the homo-fascists would take America. In Canada a publisher, clergymen, or ordinary citizen can be hauled before the nation’s Human Rights Commissions to account for what they think and say. James Allan, a University of Queensland Professor of Law describes the situation as follows:
“Here is a little known fact about Canada. It is today a country where you can say or write things that are true and yet still be brought before a tribunal.

“That tribunal can fine you; it can order you to pay money to the people who complained about your words; it can force you to issue an apology; it can do all three.

“That’s not all though. The people who complained will not need to hire a lawyer.

“Their costs will be picked up by the state, by the taxpayers.

“You on the other hand, will have to hire a lawyer to defend yourself. And there will be no award of costs at the end, so that even if you win, you will still be out of pocket to your lawyers tens of thousands of dollars.

“Of course, you will not win.

“Why? Because in the entire history of these Canadian tribunals, hearing these cases, those people like you who have been hauled before these tribunals have never won - not one single time [on cases citing Section 13.1 of the Human Rights Act - the hate crimes provision].

“The complainants always win.”
Indeed, a Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission has imposed a lifetime ban on a local Catholic’s freedom to publicly criticize homosexuality. He responded to the Court’s order as follows:
"This fine is for telling the truth [that] homosexual sodomites can change their behaviour and be set free from their sin and depravity through the forgiveness of sins and shed blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."
The following video demonstrates how truly tyrannical the homosexualists are prepared to be should they ever have the power of law on their side:


  1. "This fine is for telling the truth [that] homosexual sodomites can change their behaviour and be set free from their sin and depravity through the forgiveness of sins and shed blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."

    The "truth" that homosexuals can change their behavior??

    Oh, that's right. Some people still believe that homosexuality is a "choice". Wake up kids. It's not a choice, it's the way they are wired. As long as people carry on with the misguided notion that homosexuality is a "choice" then they'll keep making idiotic statements like the one above.

  2. A fine example, so that it has been banned from youtube too. But, alas, it IS a choice

  3. Um I have a straight identical twin brother. I am gay. I chose to be gay. I like woman, but prefer men. My brother has never ventured across the fence. Regardless of the empirical evidence that twins genetically are identical they do not always demonstrates identical sexual preferences. That being said I believe most heterosexuals are bisexual and most end up heterosexuals due to social/theological moires and biases towards natural unions and against unnatural unions. 20% Born Straight 20% Born Gay & 60% bisexual of which 60-80% will veer towards heterosexuality and not homosexuality for the aforementioned reasons. This information comes from studies carried out decades ago and yet most of you expound like its a fraking mystery.

