
Monday, November 17, 2008

Illegal Aliens Prepare to March on Washington


illegal alien marchA California-based immigration reform activist hopes supporters of illegal immigration will follow through on their plans to stage huge rallies in Washington, DC, on January 21, to push the incoming Obama administration for amnesty.

The two groups that call themselves the National Capital Immigrant Coalition and the Fair Immigration Reform Movement recently held a news conference at Washington's National Press Club to announce a "mass mobilization" by illegal immigrants scheduled to take place the day after Barack Obama becomes the nation's 44th president.

Rick OltmanThe groups are calling on Obama for "just and humane immigration reform" and "a pathway to legalization." Rick Oltman, the national spokesman for Californians for Population Stabilization, says the bigger the crowd, the better.

"I can only hope that it will be a fantastic success in terms of organizing and people showing up because every time we have seen a bunch of ungrateful, whining illegal aliens marching in the streets with signs in foreign languages and foreign flags, the American people have gotten another vision of what unrestrained immigration means to the country," he contends.

Oltman believes, once again, these groups are trying to blur the distinction between legal immigrants and illegal aliens by speaking about them as if they are one group.


  1. Illegal Aliens are also marching across the border day and night in huge numbers.

    Border Invasion Pics

    See the current videos - it is incredible that the American public doesn't demand action from self serving politicians.

  2. Both President elect Obama and Senator McCain have promised BLANKET AMNESTY in the coming year. This is what we can expect in our families future?

    OVERPOPULATION, congestion, urban sprawl, pollution, environmental damage, crime, diminishing resources, Diseases, lack of affordable housing, depressed wages, underground economic, fraudulent documents, identity theft, tax evasion, soaring crime rate, increased tax burdens, overcrowded schools, uneducated children, overcrowded prisons, inadequate health care, the balkanization of our communities and a large and growing population with loyalty to other Nations. Unknowingly you are supporting the 37 million of illegal immigrant poor, who slipped across our intentionally undermanned border. An additional half-million are coming every year.

    Read about winning court cases against parasite employers, illegal immigrant groups and corrupt politicians. is your HQ, to find our ugly facts not lies

  3. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION! Purgatory for American taxpayers.
    Remove the 37 million illegal aliens in the United States, according to the Tucson Border Patrol that is costing $$trillions of taxpayers dollars a year. Then we can then afford to give care to our own citizens and legal residents and sustain our wilting economy.

    Senator Poe stated yesterday we are importing the good, bad and the ugly. But if we are to bring in immigrants, they must be the cream at the top of the milk. Not the poor who we must support, because they cannot support themselves?

    Don't let Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid stop immigration raids on illegal alien partners of businesses. Stop Pelosi from underfunding the border fence. Fight Obama and McCain from giving illegal aliens BLANKET AMNESTY.

    Americans who are losing jobs to cheap immigrant labor. In a 1996 study, a Rice University economist estimated that illegal aliens were then displacing 730,000 American workers a year.

    Read about winning court cases against parasite employers, illegal immigrant groups and corrupt politicians. is your HQ, to find the ugly facts not lies

  4. The real tragedy is that these foreign criminal trespassers are able to storm through OUR streets screaming for privileges they neither morally nor legally qualify for is because OUR government is TOO CHICKEN to confront them!
